Chapter Five

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I woke up from a deep slumber and saw a concerned Seiya watching over me like a protective lover. Little did she know, two of her worst nightmares lived in Crystal Tokyo, and they'd stop at absolutely nothing to try and make her life as impossibly hellish as they could - and they were perfectly capable of ruining her reputation and mine. I walked into the bathroom and did my hair up into its signature odango hairstyle. I then put my wing like hair pins in my hair. I then tried to figure out if there was something else I could be doing today. That's right, I needed to make sure Chaos' seal wasn't going to be broken any time soon - and that didn't exactly seem close enough in the near future, so I decided to not bother. We'd been in peace for so many years. What should stop us? It was also soon to be the sixth anniversary of the battle, meaning it was fast approaching Chibi-Usa's birthday, and I needed to devote as much of my being as possible to making her birthday as good as it possibly could be. Especially making sure Hotaru would keep her busy before the celebrations, which I was entirely sure she was absolutely capable of.

Frowning, I ran around as fast as physically possible, and successfully prolonged the amount of time I had had awake before putting my princess attire on, which I quite felt was an achievement in itself. Also, it was a stupid act to engage in - and absolutely the opposite of regal - but I didn't feel capable enough to care about that fact. I just didn't feel at all like a princess, and I could tell Seiya was concerned. I wanted to tell her why I was doing this, but I frankly hadn't a clue, so I could have as good of a guess as her in regards to that matter. I pouted when I sat back down on my bed, I wasn't ready for the slew of anger from Haruka and Michiru that I would have to endure today. But, they're probably narrow-minded, which is why they're so bothered at the prospect of Mamoru and I no longer being married. It must seem odd to them, me wanting nothing more than somebody other than Mamoru, but it was true. I didn't feel that he was my life partner. Was that so much of a sin, to even think that? I wasn't sure.

I sat upright on my bed and looked at Seiya. She was pretty, and had the charm of Mamo and Haruka added together and broken into to create her facial features - but, it seemed as if I felt less charmed by that idea over time. Well, though she was a little bit pushy, she was nothing like either of them personality wise - if anything, Yaten was more like Haruka. I smiled at the prospect of letting Minako know that it was the way that I felt about her girlfriend. Not that they were girlfriends. It wasn't as if I had asked the both of them about their relationship status.

"Hello there, Odango," Seiya smiled up at me and grabbed my hand, engulfing it in her warm one. "You seem to look like a cat. Glancing up at me like you do. You remind me of how Luna is when she's desperate for more. Don't give me a pout." She leant forward and whispered in my ear, "I don't know how, but we're going to hit this world like a storm. Nobody, not even Haruka or Michiru, will be able to stop us."

I giggled. "How is that possible, Sei-chan?" I whispered back with a pout.

"I promise, Odango, that it will be possible. I have made my promise to you, and anything is possible." She glanced into the distance of the kingdom's left wing."Even Kakyū making a strong bond with Galaxia. Anything can happen. Including us conquering the world with our love. It will happen."

"You're so funny, Sei-chan." I looked up from the edge of the bed, her face looming over me. "Hey, where's my kiss?"

"Jeez, you're more pushy than I ever was," she replied, as she carved a kiss into my lips. "But it's alright. I'd do anything for my beautiful Odango. Even this." She kissed me again.

"Hey, is that any way to speak to your princess?" I asked, and wagged my finger in her face. "You're so melodramatic, Seiya."

"I have to be when I have a cute Bunny to impress." She cupped my face in her hands. "And wagging a finger at your lover isn't acceptable where I come from."

"Hey!" We both erupted in laughter and she tickled me, giving me a hug in the process.

"Calm it down, some of us have a crush to dream about," Minako complained from the next room along. "And said crush to talk to!"

"Leave us alone!" We both chanted from our room, erupting in more laughter.

"Now, time to get serious," Seiya wagged a finger at me.

"Hey, hey, that's a biiit too far," I replied.

She blushed. "No, no. As in, as a princess. You have to plan for your daughter's birthday, remember?"

"She's your stepdaughter," I hissed back.

"That's why we both prepare."

"I can tell you wanted to go further in our relationship," I countered.

"Maybe in the next few months, we need our love to grow first."

We both walked out of the room with these big blushes and smiles on both of our faces, and I couldn't help but stare when I saw Minako holding Yaten's hand. I didn't think it meant anything yet. I would also have to converse with Kakyū. I had so much to do today, and that was excluding the preparations. But Seiya and I should get it all done... Right? I wasn't so sure any more. I sighed.

I walked out of the hall... And right into Mamoru.

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