The Investigation of Sydney (Part 2(The Leave Out)

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"Are we there yet?" Ryan asked. "Almost, we'll be there, at least in about 5 minutes, and if not, then 8." I assumed. My theory was right, we were there in about 7 minutes, "Finally." Elexa said. We sat on the bing-bag chairs in the corner, and I discussed what we were going to do and the plan, basically. "So, when are we leaving?" Ryan asked. "Well, about twelve o'clock--at night," I responded. "Well, it's 8, so someone set an alarm for twelve and we can get up, but we need to energize, so when we get up, someone makes some coffee, but." Elexa said trying to smooth things out, "We're going to have to wake up at ten." I put in. We all went to sleep. 

That same night, at ten, the alarm went off. "Hey," I said getting up slowly. I made the coffee a Ryan and Elexa worked out and got energized with water in hand. "Eliza, come one!" Ryan yelled from arcoss the cave. "Okay," I shouted back. I ran over and worked out with them.

We were done, and it was about twelve, so we grabbed some gear and left out of the cave. "Hey, Eliza, do you know where this place is?" Elexa asked. "Yes, trust me," I answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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