Ava) Not so alone anymore

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Something was bothering Ava. A feeling so painful, but it wasn't physical.

Ava expected one of the guys barging in her room as usual, either demanding something or was waking her up. But for some reason, that didn't happen at all.

It made her feel so empty. She didn't realize how much it meant to her to hear or see the guys. The few minutes of silence felt like an eternity as Ava looked down.

Was this supposed to happen? She wanted them to leave before, didn't she? So why was she hoping one of the guys would just come in and talk to her.

The words that Mrs. Oates told her resonated inside her mind. Did she not appreciate the guys enough? Granted , she did try to keep a distance between her and the guys.

Ava started to tremble. She hated this feeling. How come she never felt like this before she met the guys?

The door then slammed open, with Leif and Asch walking in, bickering with each other. Ava's eyes widened and she stood up.

"Prisoner! About time you woke up! Aren't we supposed to go to the mall today?" Asch yelled.

He had his arms crossed, having the same angry look on his face. Ava sighed, smiling. "Yea, let's go," she said and walked out.

All those dark feeling that remained inside of her, disappeared. She felt lighter, more happier. Seeing the rest of the guys, Ava told them to get ready.

Even though the guys might be annoying sometimes. They were part of her life.

And for once in her lifetime, she knows she wasn't alone anymore.

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