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I woke up around 10 in the morning the following day. Let's just say I had a troublesome night because I was awake hourly. It was one of those nights. The real reason as to why I woke up was because my grandma came into my room and asked me if I wanted to talk. Apparently Geoff decided to tell her about my cutting last night. Hell, I don't blame him, he only did it for my safety. For once in my life I have people that care about me. My grandma and I talked for what seems like forever but it was only about an hour. Before leaving my room she asked if I wanted anything to eat. And I politely declined her offer.

Around 1:00 in the afternoon I got a call from an unknown number. I didn't answer my phone, because, well, you know, stranger danger.  I got up and went to the bathroom, and did my morning routine.

I went back into my room and slithered into bed once again. I checked my phone to see the "unknown number"  left a voicemail on my phone. "Okay voicemail" and this is what I heard.

"Hey Angelina, it's Awsten. I just wanted to call you and let you know that I'm sorry about everything  that has happened. I'm sorry about not believing you about the New Years incident, and I'm sorry about being all cocky and rude  at the movie theatre. I wasn't thinking  before I acted. If I could take everything back, I would. Well, when you get this could you please call me back?  Or wait, never mind, you probably  don't want to talk to me.  I'm a cockhead. "

And then the line went silent.

Let's be honest here, I honestly didn't think that it would be Awsten calling me.  I thought it was a creepy pedophile wanting to kill me and rape me. Just about as I was gonna call Awsten back, I heard a mysterious tapping at my window. I opened my window to see Otto standing there.

He was the last person I wanted to see right now.

He tried to apologise to me, but I didn't accept it. We talked rationally about what happened, and I told him that for now it would be best if we weren't friends anymore. In the future, maybe, but as of now, no.

I realised that I forgot to call Awsten back, so I quickly called his number, anxious about the conversation to come.

I explained to him that I will accept his apology, and that the next time he should let me explain myself first.

After an awkward 5 minutes of silence, I decided to speak up and tell him about Otto's arrival at my house.

He told me that Geoff and him aren't going to associate with Otto anymore, due to the complications in my life.

Awsten and I were almost done saying our goodbyes, until he practically screamed "WAIT!"

I giggled an Said "What?" And then he invited me over the next day. Why? I don't know.

He told me that he would be home alone tomorrow, and now I was anxious about what was to come the next day.

Dream Boy - Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now