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The next day was rough. I was tired and worn down, due to crying all night. As soon as Otto kindly brought me home, I went in the bathroom and got out my razor, the one I hadn't seen in about a year. I slid it down my wrists, whimpering at the pain it brought. It felt so good to get the pain out, though.

I tended to the newest cuts on my body and slipped into bed, trying to avoid thinking about Awsten as much as possible.

I stayed up until 6 in the morning, until eventually going into a deep, long peaceful sleep.

I woke up around 2 in the afternoon. because I obviously went to bed at 6. Around 2:30 I got a mysterious call from Jawn, asking if I was alright. I didn't want to tell him about my cutting., because then he would probably tell Awsten, Geoff, and Otto and then it would eventually spread around school, and that was the last thing I needed right now.

Around 5:00, just after eating pancakes my nana cooked for me, I got a call from Otto. I picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Hello?" I said.

"Can you come over right now? I want to talk."

"Otto, it's 10 degrees out and snowing. I don't have a car, and I'm surely not walking."

"Oh that's alright, I forgot you don't own a car."

"You can come over here, just tell my grandma that I invited you over. i don't really feel like going downstairs to wait."

Ten minutes later I was greeted in my bedroom by the brunette curly haired boy.

"Hey, Angelina. i know things are hard but I mean is it okay if i talk to you?"

"Okay. so basically I loke you. like really like you. I think I love you."

"Otto. I like you too, but, can we please go out on a date first?"

"Oh shit. I forgot. Sorry. You probably hate me."

"No, I don't hate you, otto."

"Okay. Do you want to go iceskating, like right now?"

"Okay, that sounds like fun!"

I got ready to go, and Otto and I drove to the rink. I sucked at iceskating, but Otto held my hand. Not to mention he has really soft hands.

After we were done iceskating, we decided to go to starbucks.

And you're not gonna believe who we saw there.


With another girl.

Dream Boy - Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now