Chapter XIII

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(??? POV)

After many years of preparation, I can feel that she is about to make her move, my mother has laid dormant for centuries biding her time.  Now I know she will strike with her army, I just hope that he's ready to take these challenges he will start training immediately.  As I thought this I sent out a letter via a white dove to Apollo to let him know of the prophecy that is about to unfold.  I truly hope that you are ready to face these challenges (Y/n) yours and our world depends on it.

(Apollo POV)

Laying around in my palace has started to get boring, the fact that our Roman and Greek versions are all out of wack has led to many of the gods including myself to be out of commission because our powers are too weak,  not to mention the looming threat of Gaia and her Giants.  And as if things couldn't get any worse Hera has been taken, even if she cursed our mother it's still important not to piss off Zeus.  After pondering these thoughts I noticed a white dove on the window with a scroll tied to its leg, letting the bird in I read the scroll and then paled, the only thought running through my mind was how royally fucked we are now with this new threat on the horizon, I  Immediately flashed to camp.

As I appeared in the Oracle cave I heard screaming and turned to see a surprised Rachel with a shocked look on her face.

"Lord Apollo, what are you doing here? If I had known you were coming I would have summoned Chiron."

"Summon him, I have some grave news to discuss"

(Time Skip)

"I see that is very troubling, and you are sure it's one of the campers here?"

"yes Chiron I'm positive, the letter never gave a Name but I believe I'll be able to tell who the hero of this quest is please can you summon all of the campers to the Amphitheater we will then be able to find who they are"

(Your POV)

Chiron summoned all of the Campers for something important and no one knows what it's for, but that doesn't mean that there haven't been theories all the way from we found Percy to we're building a new cabin so who honestly knows.  As we all took our place in the Amphitheater I noticed Chiron was standing off to the side with a tan man with golden blonde hair and a very surfer dude like vibe.

"Good Morning campers I'm sorry to interrupt your routines however we have a very important announcement to make,"

"That's right kids and this announcement comes courtesy of one of the coolest gods around Apollo,"

Apollo scanned the crowd seeming to size them up, then his eyes landed on me I could see him visibly tense up in not slightly then whispered something to Chiron.  Chiron looked up at me paled slightly then began to speak.

"Well, campers it looks like we selected our hero if everyone but (Y/N) (L/N) could please leave and continue your activities that would be terrific."

Slowly but surely everyone left the theater looking at me as they went some with pity, others with jealousy, and those with Indifference, finally it was just me, Chiron, Apollo, and Rachel.  I'm not sure if anyone knew how to start the conversation all Chiron said was to go to the oracle cave and we'll talk there.

After we all sat down I began to speak,

"So what's the Prophecy I have to complete what do I have to do?"

"well (Y/n) that's the thing this prophecy isn't like any we've seen before and frankly we don't know what's going to happen"

"So your telling me the god of Prophecy doesn't even know what this is, am I in danger will this kill me."

"I'm not going to lie to you (Y/n) we don't know what's going to happen to you, we don't know where you're going to go or even how long it's going to take."

I have to admit that didn't sound reassuring, I mean, after all, there was no guarantee that I would live and I haven't even done all of what I have always wanted to do.  Still, the way they're talking definitely implies that it's a vital quest maybe it will help maybe Jason, Piper, and Leo need help and I'm going to save them, or maybe this quest will help search for Percy.

"what's the quest?"

"I can't tell you unless you agree to go on it, I'm sorry but it's always been this way,"

After thinking about this for quite a while weighing my options I decided that ultimatly it would be for the best to go on the quest.

"I agree to go, but can you tell me what's going on I think I have a right to know if I'm most likely going to die"

"I can tell you the parts that are important and that you can know, basically Gaia is waking up and she isn't too happy with how we're running the place so we have to get her to fall back asleep."

"Alright well, what's the Prophecy?"

"Child of the Sun beware the storm

Grandmothers Wrath shall take its Form

The Large Rock Breaks with Unbridled Rage

Izanami, you shall know her name"

(A/N well folks that's all for this chapter as you can see I have much more in store for our dear old protagonist I once again want to thank TheIrishMadMan for helping me come up with these story elements I'll see yall on the flip side)

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