Making the most of it...

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Pressleys POV~~

It was a few weeks later. My time on dance moms was nearly over. We had around 3 weeks left. This experience had changed my life completely and I'm grateful for it. The people I met on the first day are now basically family to me. I never thought I would get an opportunity like this. But I was lucky enough to get it. I will always look back on these few months as being the most amazing times of my childhood. But There was one thing on my mind. And that thing was a person. Brady. Meeting him in this experience is something I'm grateful for. I fell In love with a boy who likes me for me. Although we haven't had the easiest ride. We got there in the end. The thing that wonders my mind everyday is what will happen after our time on dance moms. The fact I won't be able to see Brady everyday upsets me. A lot. We will both move back to our home towns and get back to our normal lives. As much as I am glad I met Brady and had the opportunity to fall in love with someone so special as him. It's gonna be hard to let him go. With our busy lifestyles it's going to be hard to make time for each other and I wouldn't want to put either of us Through that pressure. But I still had these 3 weeks left to spend with him. And I wanted to make these 3 weeks special to us.

Saturday morning( they don't have a competition this weekend)

Brady's POV~~

I wake up to my phone ringing. Who could be calling me at 6 in the morning?!

I turn over my phone to see Pressley ringing me.

B- press? Why so early?!

P- I need you to get up and get ready. Be ready in half an hour!

B- what? I'm so confused

P- just do as I say. I'll see you soon!

I did as I was told and took a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair and changed. I then waited around till it got to 6:30 and I heard a knock at my door.

I opened to door to Pressley and her mom stood there.

B- come in I guess?!

They both come in

B- so why have you got me up so early?

P- welll. As we only have a few more weeks to spend with each other. I want to make them special. You need to pack a suitcase for overnight.

B- what! Overnight? Where are we going?!

P- hmmm your have to wait and see!

Brady quickly packed everything he needed and headed back to Pressley stood in the kitchen.

P- are you ready!

B- I guess

Pressley, Brady and there moms jump in the car and head off on there adventure.

Pressley POV~~

I wanted to take Brady on a mini break. So me and him could spend some time together. My mom and me had booked this beautiful wood cabin place in the woods for the night.

We were in the car and nearly there's I could tell brady was nervous as he kept looking around for clues.

Once we pulled up we got out of the car.

P- surprise!

Brady opened his eyes to see the beautiful surroundings and a wood cabin in front of him.

B- Awh press. You did this for me?

P- yep!

Brady hugs her tight.

P- come on let's go take our stuff in.

A love story of Brady and pressleyWhere stories live. Discover now