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Brady's POV~~

It was the following Monday, I was practically fully better now and was so excited to get back to dancing in the studio for the competition this weekend. I got out of bed, showered, changed, brushed teeth and ate breakfast and then me and my mum set of and headed to the studio.

Once we got there lily and Hannah were there already inside so I went in and said hey to them.

H- how you feeling Brady?

B- a lot better thanks

L- yayyy

Pressley POV~~

Me and my mum were on our way to the studio for a new week. I wore black leggings with a hoodie and my hair in a Braid.

A- excited to be back dancing press?

P- of course I can't wait. I just hope Brady is all okay now.

A- I'm sure he is.

Me and my mum arrive at the studio and it seems as if everyone is already there. I walk into the dancers den to find all the girls and Brady gossiping away.

P- hey guys!

S- hey pres ( goes over to hug her)

Before Pressley can even say hey to Brady Sarah drags her to the girls bathroom.

S- soooooo

P- ohhhhh um yeah.

S- what happened at Brady's the over night then. I saw his Snapchat.

P- well he kinda asked me to be his girlfriend...

S- shut up!

P- I'm being serious!

S- omg yayyyy. I'm so happy for youuu!

P- thanks Sarah.

S- who else knows.

P- only you at the moment all thought I'm sure it won't be long till everyone finds out.

S- yeah that's true. Well come on let's go back to the den.

Brady's POV~~

When Pressley has cam back with Sarah I called her over.

P- hey!

B- hey, everything okay?

P- yes. All good

B- good.

P- I told Sarah btw if that's okay.

B- yeah sure I don't mind, they will probably all find out soon anyway!

P- yeah I guess.

Abby- girls and Brady into the studio!!!

They all rush into the studio.

Abby- so as you all know Brady got very ill last week so we had to miss the week. I'm glad your feeling a lot better though Brady.

B- thank you miss Abby. Me too.

A- okay so we aren't obviously going to do a pyramid so I will move onto this weeks assignments.

The group dance is called thoughts and prayers. Lily you will play the lead.

I have 3 solos this week as we didn't compete last week.

Brady you will have a solo.

(Brady smiles)

Gia you will have a solo

... and Hannah you have a solo.

Everyone claps.

A love story of Brady and pressleyWhere stories live. Discover now