A new week...

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Pressley POV~~

My eyes slowly opened. It was Monday morning, which means a new week at the studio.  I felt good about the conversation I had with my mum. last night. She was right, whatever me and Brady had, I couldn't ruin it. I care about him too much.

I sighed* maybe we will just have to stay friends I guess.

After having all these thoughts I decided it would be a good idea to get up and start getting ready to distract me. I took a quick shower and tied my hair into a low bun. I applied some light makeup and put on some black leggings with an ALDC hoodie.

About half and hour had passed and me and my mum were now on our way to the studio, ready to start week 2!

Brady's POV~~

I woke up earlier than expected today as I hadn't really been able to sleep all night. I had so many thoughts running through my head. What do I do about Pressley? Do we stay friends? Or do we risk our friendship?

Eughhh. I couldn't take the thoughts anymore so I got out of bed and decided to go take a shower to wake me up. I then did my hair and my teeth and got ready.

Hopefully this week will be a good week at the studio.

Pressley POV~~

We arrived at the studio and I was the first there. I walked into the dancers den and sat down on my phone waiting for the others to arrive.

Sarah- hey press!( walks over and hugs her)

P- hey Sarah, you okay?

S- yess very excited about this week. How about you?

P- yeh I'm good I guess- looks to floor-

S- hmmmm you sure?

P- yep

S- presss. Tell me what's wrong!

P- it's nothing really

S- well it is cause you don't seem yourself.

P- it's not that it's just I'm confused with feelings...

S- Brady?

P- yep.

S- well you two obviously like each other and get on really well. But I get it. You don't want to ruin what you have now. Just take time on your thoughts. I'm sure he's feeling the same.

P- yeh I guess. Thanks Sarah (hugs her)

A few minutes later everyone else walks in including Brady who was walking in with Gia. Eugh the way she looks at him is really starting to annoy me.

I smiled at Brady and he came over to me.

B- alright?

P- yeh I'm good I guess you?

B- good. But tired, I hardly slept last night

P- ohno, how come?

B- don't worry it's fine. I guess just a restless night.

P- hmm yeah.

Abby- girls and Brady come into the studio now!

We all rush in I stand in between Brady and Hannah once again. It was time for pyramid..

Brady's POV~~

I arrived at the studio and guess who was waiting outside for me. Gia! I obviously acted nice and said hey to her. We walked in together and when I saw Pressley sat by herself I gave her a smile and walked over to her. I had a quick conversation with her before we got called to pyramid...

Abby- okay so bottom of the pyramid we have ... Hannah

You don't stand out enough for me you need to prove me you are meant to be here okay?

H- yes miss Abby

A- next we have Gia.. you were good Gia but you were not amazing

Gia modded.

A- next up is Savannah... you did well in the group dance but there was once part which you could have done better on.

A- then we have Sarah... you impressed me Sarah. You have good facial expressions and flexibility.

Sarah smiled- thank you miss Abby.

Then we have Pressley- Pressley I have you a solo last week and you didn't get first. I think you did a good job but in the group dance you didn't stand out to me. You just seemed invisible.

Pressley looked to the ground- she nodded.

Then we have lily... lily you were amazing in the group dance. Well done.

L- thank you miss Abby.

A- and then at the top of the pyramid we have... Brady!!!

You won first overall in your solo and you performed the lead in the group dance very well.

I was happy I was on top of the pyramid but I was worried for Pressley. She looked upset .

A- now onto this weeks assignments

Lily you will have a solo called mummy dearest
Savanah you will also have a solo called methamorphis.

The group dance with be called haka and you are all in it.

Now everyone go take a quick brake while I start with Lily's solo.

Pressley POV~~

I was upset about what miss Abby had said. I knew I was invisible. Maybe I'm not good enough for this team.

My mum must have knew I was upset as she followed me out to the dancers den. I started to cry.

Ashley- don't cry press, just don't listen to her.

P- it's hard no too.

Brady had seen I was crying and him and his Mum had came over along with Sarah and her mum.

S- come here press.

(Hugs Pressley)

P- I just feel like miss Abby is right, I'm invisible and I'm not good enough to be here( breaks down crying)

Brady signals her to sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around her.

Tricia- sweetie, Believe me you are not invisible . Your a beautiful dancer.

Mitchell's and Sarah agreed.

After a while of everyone comforting me I had calmed down. The mums decided to leave me with Sarah and Brady.

S- you okay now?

P- I guess I'm better

B- just don't listen press, your an amazing dancer.

Sarah gave Pressley the look as if to say I'm gonna leave you both here. She smirked. I laughed at her.

I was still sat on Brady's lap so I turned to face him.

P- thank you Brady.

B- anything for you( smiles)

The rest of the day actually went quite well and the group dance was looking good. It was now time to go home. I said goodbye to everyone including Brady and got in the car with My mum.

A- Brady and Sarah were so sweet looking after you today.

P- yeah, I'm grateful for them.

A- you should ask Sarah to come round ours one day this week.

P- yess I would love that. I'll ask her tomorrow.

I went home, showered and changed and got into bed. I messaged Brady and Sarah  saying night and thank you for today and fell asleep very quickly...

A love story of Brady and pressleyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu