~Chapter 5~

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We arrived at the hotel and Kylie got out of the car and ran inside.

The guys stayed in the car and talked to me.

"Dude, how is she so hot?" asked Carter. All of the others agreed with him.

"She just is." I said and looked into the hotel to see Kylie talking to some of the fans. I smiled.

"I want someone that hot," said Jack Gilinsky.

"Feel free to take Nash," I said. The guys looked confused.

"What?" said Jack G.

"Oh right. I forgot to tell you. Kylie is Nash's twin sister." I said with a smile on my face.

"Dude, does that mean you like Nash too?" asked Jack Johnson.

I punched him in the gut. "Dude you are fucked up." I yelled.

Everyone laughed as Jack was trying to get back the wind that I knocked out of him.

Kylie walked outside and stepped inside the car.

"How's it going?" She said in and playful voice.

I looked in the backseat at Carter. He was mouthing for us to kiss.

"Perfect now that you're here." I said with a smile.

I held Kylie's hand, and kissed her right then and there, and she didn't pull away.

"Come on," she said,"I told Nash that we are going out to eat at 1." She got out and ran back inside.

I took the keys out of the ignition and looked back at Carter. "Satisfied?" I asked him.

"Dude is she a good kisser?" asked Carter. I shook me head no.

"No, she's a perfect kisser." I said, getting out of the car.

I walked inside and Cameron and Hayes are in their swim trunks.

"Matt, go upstairs and change, we'll be in the pool." said Hayes.

I nodded yes and headed upstairs.

When I opened the door to Kylie's room, she was already in her bikini.

"I'm gonna go change." I told her. I walked to my room and changed.

I walked back into Kylie's room, and she had her phone and water proof ear buds.

"Shall we?" I asked Kylie. We locked arms.

"We shall." she said with a laugh, and we walked to the pool.

We swam for about an hour, and it was time to go inside and take a shower.

I grabbed my suitcase out of my room, and took it over to Kylie's.

"Surprise!" I yelled at Kylie.

"What?" she said puzzled.

"I talked to your mom. Sky is gonna move in with her, and I'm gonna move in with you." I said.

"Babe, that's great!" she said and she ran over and jumped into my arms.

"Come on. I'm gonna take you some where." I told her.

"Let me take a shower and get ready, then we will." she said, and she took a shower and got ready.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I told her, and I walked into the bathroom.

I took a shower and came outside wearing my boxers. I put on a tank top and shorts.

Kylie and I held hands and walked back to the car. We were gonna go some where, some where special.

Hey! It's me again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully you keep reading, because something is gonna happen soon.

Perfect~ [Magcon Boys FanFic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora