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BSM: You're In the Army & You Come Back Injured~


You woke up with the most excruciating pain in your back. Your eyes slowly blinked open so you could see only sand and the blazing sun in the sky. You slowly moved your aching arm to your back where you felt something wet on your lower back. You hissed when you touched what must be the wound from when bits of the bomb hit you as you tried to save one of the men you worked with. You just sat back and opened your canteen. As you shook it you realized it was barely full. You drank a few sips and poured the rest on your back as your face scrunched up in pain. You sat back knowing you were going to die. Your thoughts mainly on Harry and how you are going to miss him so much. Before your eyes fell completely you heard a voice yell out, "Sergeant Styles!" Your eyes opened to see a man running to you. You recognized him as one of your fellow military men. "M-my b-back is v-v-very b-bad..." you drew out the words wanting to just sleep from the pain. You have been bleeding for hours. You look up at the man one last time as you see a mask being put over your mouth and nose. You slowly breath in and then all at once you pass out. Now as you wake up you here muffled cries. You slowly open your eyes to hear a very familiar, raspy voice whisper, "(Y/N), please wake up soon. I-I love you (Y/N/N)! I left t-tour early, y-you're t-too i-i-important (Y/N/N)! Please wake up soon." You then quickly opened your eyes and made grabby hands much like a toddler wanting to be picked up at your younger brother. "I-I love you too Haz! I missed you too little man!" he quickly spun around hearing your voice for the first time in months since you have been deployed. "M-my back hur-hurts." you winced as Harry let you go. "I know (Y/N), I know!" he smiled one of his dimpled smiles at you, "Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not the end." you chuckled which made you wince, so you started laughing again. "Did you just quote Ed?" "Yes I did, why? You got a problem (Y/N/N)?" you laughed and shook your head no. Every time you went to physical therapy for your spine, Harry was there to pick you up when you had doubts. Soon you stopped doubting and started believing. Sooner than later you were back to your old self. You couldn't be deployed again due to your continuous back problems, but Harry didn't mind at all. uc


You were adopted at the age of ten by the Tomlinson family. You didn't mind that you weren't like them. You looked like no one in the family, but you never let that get you down. As you grew up with them people always made fun of you at school for not being like your sisters or even your younger brother. Louis always looked up to you, so when you were deployed two days before he went on tour he was torn. He could't believe you were leaving. Now as you sit in the back of the Humvee you couldn't help but think of the twins, Lottie, Fizzy, and Louis. You missed them all so much. You received letters from your mom that she had twins again, and you were ecstatic. You couldn't wait to meet them for the first time. Your sisters always sent pictures of them and you were so jealous. Now as you felt extreme heat hit your face you were terrified. You were flung from the vehicle and you landed with a loud thump against the side of the dirt road. Your body was on fire, both figuratively and literally. You smacked your bloody leg trying to put out the fire which finally worked with the help of some sand. Everything hurt, but you had to meet those twins. You crawled to the middle of the road where you saw a Humvee coming toward you. You waved your hands in the air and the vehicle came to an abrupt stop. "Sergeant Tommo!" "It's okay, love, you'll be o--" your vision was overcome by blackness. When you awoke you heard soft cries. Scratch that, a sob. "Wh-What's going on?" you were beyond confused and your eyes darted around the boring white room. "(Y/N)? Babe, it's okay! It's me, Mason!" You smiled and grabbed his warm hand. Your boyfriend got to go to the hospital with you since it would be a few days until your mom could get to you. "Louis is on his way, (Y/N/N)!" he smiled and you nodded. "Why don't you get some rest, dear. I'll have the doc check on you." He left the room and you slowly fell asleep until you heard a loud bang. "(Y/N)!" It was Louis, definitely Louis. You would recognize his voice anywhere. "How dare you pull a stunt like that! You had me scared half to death. You better keep breathing girl!" you chuckled as he awkwardly side-hugged you. "I missed your sassy self Lou!" he laughed and smiled. "Wouldn't have it any other way would you?" you shook your head as if signalling no. The doctor came in. "I have bad and good news. Good news is that you will definitely live, no doubt about it. However, when you hit the land mine your leg that, from my knowledge was burned, had to be taken off. I'm so sorry." you let out a sob. "I'll never be able to walk or play football with you Louis." "Oh (Y/N), you'll be able to do anything I can do better. I can guarantee it. You already do, that is something I will always admire about you." you smiled at Louis and Mason, who was in awe of your brother-sister relationship, since he was an only child. A few months later you had a prosthetic leg and could definitely do anything Louis did, ten times better than him. You will always be his big sister no matter what happens.

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