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Imagine: taking a nap in the back seat of Belch's car while the boys terrorise Derry.

(A/N: An imagine featuring the Bowers' Gang.)

The leather of this car was the most enticing thing in the world. It was soft, it was cool to the touch, and best of all it smelled of the boys. That smell was home to you. This car was home to you.

So you'd take a snooze in it almost daily while the gang drove around and messed with people. Although you'd take part in this activity often, school took it out of you and you wanted to nap.

Patrick sat in the back seat with his upper body practically hanging out the window, unconcerned by the mud being smeared on his jeans by your raggy old shoes.

While the car belonged to Belch, Henry was always the driver. He'd check you out in the rear-view mirror, taking sharp turns on purpose to wake you up. "Sorry, Y/N."

You squinted and sat up, hair stuck to your face with drool. "No, you're not, Bowers." The teen laughed and shook his head, "No, no, I'm really not." Another sharp turn and Patrick nearly went head first onto the pavement. "Jesus!"

Belch snorted from the passenger seat, reaching up and adjusting his cap to block the sunlight. It was so fucking bright. You reached into your backpack and pulled out Vic's shades, smirking. He wasn't here to witness you plucking out a precious item he'd been searching all over for.

"You dirty little thief." Patrick licked his lips and smiled at you, "Don't snitch." You responded bluntly, sliding the sunglasses on and laying back down. You felt Patrick's hand on your ankle but said nothing, feeling generous today.

Belch turned in his seat and smiled at the sight of you, "Just take 'em off before we pick Vic up later."

You felt guilty for a moment, you did love Vic, but you reasoned with yourself to avoid the remorse of snagging something from a friend. You'd give them back, eventually.

Closing your eyes, you listened to the sounds of blowing winds, trashy music and nonstop banter. It seduced you like a lullaby would an exhausted child.

You fell asleep again. Thank God Belch plucked the glasses from your face as Vic hopped in the car that evening.

Daily Dose of Patrick HockstetterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora