In time

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Kirishima POV

With Blastys hand still in mine I lead him to our new destination. It will hopefully be a lot better than how the arcade ended. I wanna take him to a park not too far, it may be crowded in certain areas but there is a little area that hardly anyone goes where we can hopefully just kinda chill and talk. Might be a good way to unwind and from all the emotions we have both experienced today. Yes more so on Blastys end and the last thing I want to do is to overwhelm him after today. We just over one block out form our destination when the silence is broken.

"... Hey... if you wanna go home you can.."

I turn around confused at the statement.

"Why would I want to go home?"

He pulls his hand way slowly, looking at the ground.

"Because, It's true I am not who you think I am.. What you think I am.."

His says with a shaking voice.

"Okay blasty, don't say that I just punched the dude and I doubt it was for nothing."

I say with a smile with a small chuckle dancing across my lips. He lifts his head with a slightly defeated look.

"Look man, If it bothers you so much we can talk if you want? I was actually leading us to a park the has some secluded placed to we could just chill and unwind from the day. I apologize I did not mean to cause you so much stress" I say scratching my neck, "I just.. Have a feeling I wanna get to know you better... heh"

He rolls his eyes but then retreats back into himself, I can sense how uneasy he is.. Shit

"Dude you don't have to say anything you don't wanna I have a feeling we will have plenty of time to get to know each other. No pressure chill bro."

He looks back to me and I can see him relaxing.

"Besides we all have secrets. I haven't been completely honest with you either

... but I also don't know if I am ready to tell you yet so no rush?"

He smiles "What could your blabbermouth be hiding? Anything to do with what kimmie was teasing you about?"

I am a blushing mess. I need to remember to look up how to not blush so stinking much. I turn around and start walking towards the park once more without turning my head to look at him I simply say

"Lets go blasty."

"Heh" I hear from behind me but he doesn't push any further. I feel his warmth beside me as was walk the rest of the way.

Bakugou's POV

Kiri extended his hand which I gratefully accepted, not daring to look back. I know the look on Rins' face I have seen it my fair share of times.

I follow him not wanting to let go of his hand... it is so strong and protective.

I shake my head, I can not let that thought continue. I do not deserve someone like him, even just as a friend. All I will bring him is pain and suffering because I am not what society considers normal. This is why I don't have friends... So things like at the arcade don't happen. I need to fight my own battles. I can not be selfish and keep holding onto someone just for my benefit.

"... Hey... if you wanna go home you can.." I stop walking and slowly pull my hand away I see him start to turn around and I face the ground. I know I can not keep eye contact while telling him hey leave me alone this is all a big mistake you don't what a freak i actually am.. That Rin was right.

"Why would I want to go home?

I flinch at what I am attempting to say next "Because, It's true I am not who you think I am.. What you think I am.." is the best I can get out of my dumb ass mouth in a shaky voice. I don't wanna be doing this I have been alone for so long.

"Okay blasty, don't say that I just punched the dude and I doubt it was for nothing." I hear Kiri say with a small chuckle at the end. I lift my head slightly trying not to look as horrible as I am feeling. How can he say such things? Encounters like what happened with Rin are only bound to get worse.

"Look man, If it bothers you so much we can talk if you want? I was actually leading us to a park the has some secluded placed to we could just chill and unwind from the day. I apologize I did not mean to cause you so much stress today" he says while scratching his neck, "I just.. Have a feeling I wanna get to know you better... heh"

I roll my eyes and put more walls up I can't let him in, it would not be fair to him.

"Dude you don't have to say anything you don't wanna I have a feeling we will have plenty of time to get to know each other. No pressure chill bro."

I look at him... this is the first person since my parents to be so patient with me and my emotional disaster of a brain... maybe one day.. I can trust him with the secret that terrifies me the most and drives so many away. I can't hold back the small smile that passes onto my lips.

"Besides we all have secrets. I haven't been completely honest with you either

... but I also don't know if I am ready to tell you yet so no rush?"

I snort and give him a smirk "What could your blabbermouth be hiding? Anything to do with what kimmie was teasing you about?"

My eyes widened a little, he is beat red he is blushing so hard. He turns around so fast practically yelling " let's go Blasty!" before he starts walking once more. I don't know what Kimmie was teasing him about but I definitely want to find out.

"Heh" I give a small chuckle at his embarrassment it's just cute okay? Leave me alone. I catch up and walk right next to him, enjoying the warmth of someone next to me for a change.

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