chapter 1

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(guess who's back, back again)

Time skip to initiation

(I ain't writing that damn speech, or even bother with a time skip)

No one's POV
As jaune and pyrrah search for the "relics", jaune points to a cave, convinced they are in there

Jaune: hey pyrrah, I think they are in here.

Pyrrah: I'm not so sure about that jau-

Jaune proceeds to enter the cave

Pyrrah: 'sigh, what am I going to do with him?'

As she enters the cave, she notices jaune is staring at something

Pyrrah: jaune, what's wrong?

Jaune: *points to something while stuttering* l-l-ook at t-t-ha-that.

As pyrrah looks at where jaune is pointing, she notices some sort of aircraft

Pyrrah: what the-

As the two start to panic slightly at the sight of the jet, it's engines roared to life, scaring the shit outta them, literally for jaune

Falkens POV

As I get out of sleep mode, I notice two humans are standing in front of me, not sure if they are from atlas at all, so i, for a short burst, full throttle my engines, scaring them away.
After confirming that they are a decent distance away, I use VTOL mode and slowly get out of the cave.
After exiting the cave, I scan my surroundings, wondering who or what is in this forest.
As I finished scanning, I noticed a flock of nevermore's circling an area. I decided to use my laser to take them out quickly.


As they are surrounded by the nevermore's, they hear a distant engine, thinking it's a bullhead, only to see something red zoom past, before turning around, somehow hovering without vertical engines

Everyone but jaune and pyrrah: what is that!?!?!

While the group where panicking, the jet opens up in the front, before firing a bright beam, killing all nevermore's

Falkens POV

As I killed the nevermore's, I noticed three bullheads heading over, so I turn on my cloaking system, disappearing like I was never there

(I'd like to point out that this is more of an unfinished product, so bear with me)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2019 ⏰

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