Chapter Twenty-Six: What Would Judah Do?

Start from the beginning

He laughs. "No, well—I'm not sure. It's complicated."

The way he's stumbling over his words makes me even more interested. I motion with my hand for him to continue, but he shakes his head.

"We don't have time to sort through the tragedy that is my love life." He nods to me. "I'm here for you. What's going on with Charlie?"

A heavy sigh racks through me and I tip back the rest of my beer. I meet his eyes. "We had sex."


"And—that was it. She's still acting like we're 'just friends' and it's making me crazy. I want to tell her I want more than that, but I'm afraid it will push her away." I rub my hand over my jaw, irritated. "It feels like a loss no matter what I do."

Judah shakes his head. "No, you're missing the obvious."

I laugh like his statement is ridiculous. Nothing gets passed me.

But still, I tilt my head closer. "What's that?"

He smiles. "Tell her how you feel."

His words are simple, but at the same time, so fucking hard.

"She knows how I feel," I say instead.

Judah snorts and then takes another drink. "If she did—" his voices trails off and he motions between us. "We wouldn't be having this conversation right now."

I release a frustrated grunt. "Fuck. You're right, okay?" I lower my voice. "I just, well I don't know how to say it."

"Easy," he says with a shrug. "Just say, 'I love you'."

My teeth clench together and he grins. "It's not easy, dick. I've never said it to anyone."

"Not even Elliot?"

"That's different," I scoff. "She's my sister."

"It's not, actually. You either love someone or you don't."

His casual demeanor is pissing me off. What's more serious than love? Those are three words that are thrown around way more than they should. You're supposed to not only mean them, but uphold their meaning. I've never been in a position where I felt I was capable of doing that. Maybe I'm not all the way there yet, but today was another step in the right direction.

I made it through an entire morning plotting for the new building with my father. Despite a few choice words, I think it went well. If I'm going to get Charlie to take me seriously and show her I can take care of her then I'm going to have to start taking myself seriously as well.

Judah's staring at me, waiting for a response I don't have. I blow out a forceful breath. This is why he's here, I should make the most of it.

"Okay, what do I do?"

He smiles again. "Just tell her, dude. Walk up to her, look her dead in the eye and say those three little words."

"I can't." My words come out strangled and I clear my throat, sitting up straighter on my stool. "I mean, I don't think I can."

"Sure you can," he says encouragingly. He pats his chest. "Practice on me."

I sputter a laugh. "What? You're fucking high."

"Come on, Ollie." He tilts his head toward me. "Don't you love me?"

My fist clenches on the table. "You're not funny. I'm being serious."

"So am I. Just say it." My eyes narrow, but he laughs at me. "Once you get it over with the next time will be easy."

The bar isn't completely packed at the moment, but there's enough people here that no one would actually hear me. Not that I'm uncomfortable with expressing male bro love, but it's not my style. I was taught to keep that shit on the inside where it belongs.

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