Annabeth choses a weird name

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Before you guys read the chapter I have to say something. I finished reading the Blood of Olympus and I have to edit something.

Nico is now married. To Will Solace. Yep, that's what I said. I ship solangelo so, yeah.When I finished reading the book wich was today I was crying.

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Percy POV:

This was so stressing they won't let me in until the baby is born. I hate this. Why can't I go in? Finally after some hours- that were probably just 2 minutes- the apollo head counselor came out and smiled.

"You can go see her now"


When I went in the first thing I saw was Annabeth laying down smiling at our baby. I looked at the baby. Just then she opened her eyes and smiled. She had gray eyes and dark black hair. I looked at Annabeth.

"What are we going to name her?"

She thought for a second and then said, "Ameyalli"

"Ameyalli?" What a wierd name

"Yeah, it means lake of tears or lake of purified water"


"It's a pretty name Percy"

"Since it's a girl you can name her Ameyalli,"

She smiled.

"What will her nickname be?"

"I think her name shall be Ameyalli Pheobe Jackson," I answered.

"That's a beautiful name."


Mellanie POV:

When we arrived at The Big House (as Samuel called it) there was a small group of teens talking with each other. They slowly saw we were there and went silent.

"You brought a new demigod today Samuel?", said the man at the head of the table. He looked like he was around his 40's with a medium sized beard. His eyes looked old and wise like if he was older than he looked. Then he looked at me.

"What's your name?"

"Mellanie, but you can call me Melli."

"Samuel can you give her a tour of the camp?"

"Sure Chiron."

"Also, explain how claiming works"

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