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Percy POV:

Ok. What the hell is happening? First, we find out who Bianca's riencarnation is. Secondly, Luke just dissapears. Now Carolina is dead and there is a new prophecy. What in tartaraus is wronge with the Fates? Can't they just leave us alone to live happy lives?

We were all at the Big House discusing things about the new prophecy. But I wasn't paying attention. All I could think about was Luke and who would want to take him away. What did they want him for?



"Aren't you paying attention Percy?", Chiron said then everyone laughed.

"Um what did you say?"

Leila the new counselor for the Ares cabin rolled her eyes. "He said do you agree that Silena and the new Athena kid, Mathew are the best ones to go on this quest."

"What? But Silena is only 5 years old. How could she posibly go on this quest?!"

" I know this must be hard for you, Per-"

"Really Chiron? I am not sending my little girl to this quest."

Just then Mathew came running into the Big House.


"What happened?"

"It's....It's Annabeth.....she's giving b....she's giving birth right now."

"What?!", then I just started running.

Mellanie POV:

I am so excited tomorow October -- is my thirteenth birthay! Too bad my mom can't stay with me since she is working all the time. Well, at least I get my special blue cake and cookies when I get home. I ate some in the morning (shhhhh). The bell rang and all the stood up to leave.

"Mellanie can you please stay for a while? I need to talk with you." Oh, I bet she is going to tell me to stop talking all the time in class. UGH! I stayed in my seat untill everyone left and then walked up to her desk. She just looked up and stared at me.

Well, I think she was staring at me. It's hard to tell since she uses sunglasses all the time. I looked out the widow to the hall and saw my friend samuel standing there watching us. Why the hell is he there?

"Mellanie daghter of Poseidon."

"Say what now?"

"Your brother Perseus Jackson killed me and my sisters," I was just staring at her all confused.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a brother."

"It took us so long to to reform and now you will have to pay for this honey." Just then the door opened and samuel stepped in the classroom.

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