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Percy POV:

Ok, I know this is all my fault and I'm sorry. But how was I supposed to know that I would sleeptalk?!

So it was a guy sleepover at my cabin the other day and Jason, Frank, Leo, and Nico were coming. So, yeah I know what you are thinking sleepover??? Well, we don't really care how old we are we do whatever. Well that is mostly me, Leo, and Jason. Frank and Nico were a little more matture. Besides we deserve to do what we want once in a while and be childish.

So first we were spying on the "girls". Ok I know that just sounded like plain creepy. But then got bored 'cause they were just sitting down talking.

I opened the door when we heared someone knock on my door. When I opened the door I saw Luke outside of my cabin holding his toy sword he always slept with. Then I saw that behind him was my daughter Silena with an annoyed face.

Luke is 9 years old and has blonde hair with blue eyes. Just like Luke. Silena on the other hand had my jet black hair. But her eyes were different. In the middle they were a ring of grey but then the rest was a sea green color and huge eyelashes. She had a beutiful face althogh she was only 5. Dam you Aphrodite for that gift! Sometimes I get mad at her for bieng so smart....... And no. She is not smarter than me (lies).

"Hey! Why are you here? Did something happen? What's wronge?!," I said.

Silena just rolled her eyes and said, "Nothing is wronge. Luke just has too many nightmares and can't sleep. Sooooo, here he is." She gave me Lukes hand.

"Bye dad!", she said while running before I could respond. Well I guess Luke is staying with us. Before me and Luke could get in I heard Silena yell,"And stop spying on mom!"

I tried to put Luke to sleep but he wouldn't so he ended up staying up late with us.

So this is when it all happened....

We all got our own bunkbed and Luke slept with me. That was not a good idea. I don't know why but today he was having a lot of nightmares every hour or so he would wake me up. He would do this by a)start yelling b)kick me while he was still asleep c)start crying loudly.

He kept on saying Annabeth's name and from time to time he would say mine. The fifth night I told him to tell me what he had dreamed about. But he didn't.

" She told me not to tell you."

"Who? You know you can tell me anything," I whispered, "I'm your dad ok I'll always be here. Come on tell me."

"I can't," he said and then started crying. I just hugged him. Then we both went to sleep.


Carolina POV:

I woke up to be in a dark room. What happened? I thought. Then I remembered what had happened and started crying. How could this happen to me?!

" Don't cry Carolina," said a voice in the dark. "Soon you will have the company of your new brother." It was a woman's voice.

What? New Brother?

"He will be here in a few days."

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

"You'll find that out soon."


Days Later...................


Percy POV:

3 days. 3 days without my son!


I feel so bad. I have crapy chapters like this one. Well I'll get better.....


Who was the voice?


I know.

-Ayetza the all powerfull goddes of green mountains

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