Creepy teacher

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Carolina POV:

My life was simply perfect. I had the best parents ever. I had a lot of friends and don't really have any type of problems. Well there was a new math teacher his name is Mr. Angelo. I don't think he knows a lot of math and is just there to learn how to be a teacher, he also has an assistant who helps him. Well, he has dark black hair and eyes, he is also really really pale. I don't think I've seen anyone so pale before, is that even natural?

So the problem after a month at school he was mostly always glancing at me. But then I thought, well maybe it's because I'm his best student, I'm really good at math. So I just let that go. Then the whole school year passed and hapilly it was now summer vacation.

Nico POV:

Three words...OH....MY......GODS.... I can't believe it. I thought it would never happen. I had found Bianca's riencarnation: Carolina. I can't believe my luck I went to a middle school as my first year as a math teacher and there she is. At first I had no idea it was her. She has chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes just like Hazel's. She had some Italian features Bianca used to have but other than that they looked nothing alike.

I found out that she was Bianca's riencarnation because every time she got really close to me my ears started buzzing slightly. And I would get this akward sensation that she was there just looking at me. So that ment that she was in there, and could remember me, I just needed to do something to get it out. Yep, I was lucky.

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-AT CAMP HALF-BLOOD-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

I ran towards the Big House and got in.Chiron was in wheelchair form and Percy was sitting down by him talking.


"What happened Nico you look excited."

"I found her."

"Who?", Percy answered this time.

I looked at Percy's beautiful sea-green eyes, all seriousness in my own, "Carolina, Bianca's riencarnation."

Ok I just thought I needed to update so I did. Hope you liked it so far.

Time for a question who do you ship

perico or percabeth?

Me? Sorta ship both but I think Percabeth is better, just my thoughts.

Always comment ideas I'll try to do them.


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