
16 2 0

TW: implication of murder

Note: First poem, second poem, finale of the first poem, FINALE OF THE SECOND POEM

Mother Dearest
She lay silent
her mind was screaming.
And stared at the ceiling in her room
her eyes flicking all over the place.
Her thoughts jumbling over one another
her mind was a scary place.
Falling on one another
her thoughts shifting, twisting, contorting into something grotesque.
And her mind went to the dark place that came out of the night
she warned her children of the monsters when they were misbehaving.
and offered ways to protect themselves.
but she never told them of the worst kind.
Monsters don't live under your bed
They live inside your head.
she slipped from the bed.
Slowly poisoning you
she tiptoed into the kitchen.
Hurting you
she slipped back into her room and watched her husband sleep.
Breaking you
she then walked into her children's room.
Until there is nothing left.
she protected her children from monsters countless times.
And all the worst ones
but how does she protect them from herself?

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