Chapter 22 - The Importance of Flying - II

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  Until that point, Alden had vaguely hoped Rika might burst out of the trees and lay them both low, just as she had with Jessica. As Alden thought back through all the events since he'd arrived in Rallsburg, he was slowly coming to believe Rika was as impenitent and callous as most of her former friends seemed to believe. Since they'd met on the train, Rika hadn't ever really done anything to help him. She'd spoken a lot about helping, and allowed him to follow her, but beyond letting him awaken, what had she actually done for him?

  Alden had helped Rika out indirectly. Just by being around, he'd noticed that a lot of people had tended to treat her with a little less outright hostility. He'd provided her with an excuse and a shield. Despite his shortcomings with magic, he'd actively tried to help her in every scheme she cooked up, or the danger she'd been facing in town from both the magical and the mundane. Rika had told him fate had put them together, and he'd believed it wholeheartedly.

  Now that he was in actual trouble and his life was dissolving before his eyes, Rika was nowhere to be found. The one friend he'd believed he made left ran out and abandoned him in the middle of the worst moments of his life. Alden was totally alone, and being dragged away to what would certainly be the end of his life.

  It felt like the end of his life, being pulled up to the helicopter while holding desperately onto Viper for dear life. Alden would never see his family again, or his friends. Not that he had any friends, apparently. Maybe this was for the best. At least he might actually contribute something, being tied up in a lab at Malton. His life would have meaning, even if it was just to advance some cause he didn't know or care about.

  They were thirty feet or so above the roof of the forest when Alden spotted something. There was a shape flitting among the treetops somewhere behind them. The helicopter had just tilted forward, gathering speed as it turned east. Alden strained his eyes. The moonlight was strong and the lights on the helicopter were all turned off. He could just barely make out a figure speeding toward them through the air.

  It could only be one person. Alden remembered—he did have friends.

  His only hope was to make sure Viper and Rook didn't notice. They were more focused on the quickly approaching landing skids of the helicopter. Viper was reaching his hand out to grab it early, and Rook mirrored his action. Neither of them were looking down, and Viper was barely holding onto Alden now that they were so far up in the air. Alden could let go at any moment.

  He had to signal her. Alden plunged into his mind, delving for the elemental magic Rika had taught him. There was the fire, sputtering away and waiting to spring into life wherever he desired it. Alden flung it wide, as far as he could reach. Every inch further from himself made it more difficult. The strain was tremendous for the small amount he was conjuring.

  A few dozen feet in front of her, he spelled out a single word with licks of flame. They dissipated instantly. He couldn't maintain them, or he'd black out completely.


  A flicker of light blinked twice in response. Alden tensed. The helicopter skid was only a few feet up. Viper's grip around his waist loosened as he reached for it.

  The figure in the trees sped up, rising slightly and darting toward the helicopter as fast she could.

  Alden's heart was pounding so hard he felt like his head would explode. He was about to do something utterly insane and suicidal.

  But if he didn't, he'd be dead anyway.

  Alden pushed off Viper and let go.

  "What the fuck?" Viper screamed. His eyes shot down to catch Alden's, wide with confusion.

Awakening - The Last Science #1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα