Interlude III - Family - III

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  In turn, he let them know that Yusuf was recovering quickly from his burns. Cinza was pleased to hear it. Makoto also informed them that—with suppressed delight—Rufus was back among them once again. The older woodsman had wandered in that evening bearing gifts, and was joining them for that night's ritual. Ruby and Cinza both smiled at the thought of seeing the old man once again.

  It didn't take long before they emerged into a brightly lit clearing under the moonlight. It was a wide field of thick grass surrounded by the trees, just as Cinza loved. It even vaguely held the diamond-like shape of the symbol hanging from her neck. Makoto knew exactly what she preferred and had found a perfect spot, even though they'd never been there before.

  The rest of her family had already arrived, and were seated on folding camp chairs or on the blanket they'd set out in one corner. A small cheer rang out as they approached. Nate leapt up and ran to them. He gathered up Ruby in a tight hug, shouting his thanks over and over. Makoto stiffened at the approach, but when it became clear Nate was just exuberant, he relaxed again.

  "Put me down, you moron," Ruby laughed.

  "You saved my life today," Nate shouted, finally letting Ruby go. They took a seat with the rest of the group on the blanket, digging into the food that the Wilkinses had prepared. "Stepped in and stopped an entire mob like it was nothing!"

  "It was absolutely not nothing," Ruby replied, helping herself to a sandwich. "I passed out trying to summon all that wind. Cinza was the only reason we kept it under control."

  Heads swivelled to her. Cinza adjusted her voice with a tiny spell. It was one she'd worked on so much that she was able to do it almost subconsciously now. It was a distortion of the air just in front of her that affected the sound waves, giving her an ethereal, vaguely echoing sound. The sound was all a part of the mysticism she'd built up as her image, an affectation taking her one step further removed from the mundane and into the world of magic. It was remarkably effective when dealing with other groups, but her family seemed to appreciate the image as well, and she enjoyed the theatricality of the effect, so she ended up using it even at home amongst her own people.

  She nodded, taking the praise in stride. "We've been practicing that for a while, and it's a technique I believe we can expand on, similar to the ritual we've been working on. It takes a certain level of concentration and coordination, but it can be done."

  "Is that what we'll be doing tonight?" Yusuf asked. His arm was still wrapped up in bandages, but he looked eager and ready as always.

  "Perhaps," she answered with a cryptic grin. "Let me eat first, I've been scrambling around town all day."

  "Hear hear," added Ruby.

  "You know, you two could let us help out more. All of the stuff in town doesn't have to be you three. We could help run errands and things," Nicole Parsons put in. The farmer's daughter felt left out, Cinza realized, since she was only member of the family yet to awaken.

  "Better them than me!" Rufus called from the back in his gruff voice. "I've no need to step foot in that blasted town again."

  "I'm just fine working on the garden, I don't need to get into that mess," Aaron agreed.

  "Besides, how are you gonna help? You don't have magic," Nate added, drawing a withering look from Makoto. "What?"

  "Nicole is still a member of our family, even if she has yet to awaken. She is as worthy as any of us," Cinza said mildly. Nate shrank under her words like a scolded child. Cinza turned to Nicole. "That said, our excursion tonight was successful and brought something that could change your situation."

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