Chapter 12 - Deputies, Detectives and Deities - IV

Start from the beginning

  "Let me guess. Julian's in that group?"


  "That... could be a problem," Rachel said, frowning. "You got time later to hash this out?"

  "Yeah, and I needed dinner plans anyway. You want something?"

  Rachel smiled. Josh—for all his faults—was an excellent chef. "You're cooking?"

  "Yeah. Bring Will over, we'll make it a thing. Text me what time."

  At that moment, Rachel's phone buzzed. Kendra had set up a cell signal repeater in the center of the Market, so that cell service and internet connections were possible, though she strictly limited who had access for security reasons. Rachel was one of the few privileged.

  It was Hailey Winscombe, of all people, calling her. "Hello?"

  "Hi, Rachel?"


  "I was at the meeting, I don't know if you saw-"

  "Yes. I... what can I do for you?"

  Hailey sounded like she was trying to talk over a small storm. There was a fierce wind howling across the microphone, though the weather outside had been plenty calm. "Can we meet up? At my place? There's something I need to talk to you about."

  "I'm kind of locked up tight right now. It might be a day or two before I can come over."

  "This is kind of importan— oh, crap! I have to go." The phone clicked off.

  "What was that?" Josh asked.

  Rachel stared at the blank screen, still confused. "I'm... not sure, to be honest. I think I need to check it out though."

  "Good luck with that, I guess. Let me know if you need anything." Josh waved over his shoulder as he left the room. "Later, Rachel."

  With Josh gone, Rachel approached the remaining group. She was impressed that, despite being the shortest and smallest in the trio, Cinza was still clearly in control. Physicality wasn't a factor for their group, only magical talent—which Cinza had in spades. "Cinza, Ruby, and..." she prompted.

  "Makoto," Cinza finished. Makoto inclined his head, still never uttering a word. Rachel had heard him talking to the pair in a calm and even voice, but apparently he favored the strong silent approach with strangers.

  "I'm assuming you have some questions for me anyway, despite what we said earlier."

  "What was said was for your ears alone. What you choose to do now is your prerogative," Cinza said. Ruby leaned in and whispered something in her ear. "Ruby would like to know if she mentioned us at all, though."

  "She did," Rachel said truthfully. She didn't feel like expanding on Grey-eyes' opinion, though. Cinza's cult was better as an organized unit for the time being; finding out that their deity didn't approve was likely to destabilize them beyond repair.

  Ruby smiled in the strange, offputting smile of a fervent believer. "As we knew she would. We are her faithful servants." She leaned down and gave Cinza a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go."

  Cinza was clearly suspicious, but she didn't press the topic further. She brushed Ruby's dark red hair affectionately, but her eyes were locked on Rachel. "Not yet, Ruby. About other matters..."

  "We have a lead," Rachel replied. "Jackie, you should hear this as well." The sheriff joined them, eyeing Cinza's group with concern. It was a step above suspicion, at least, but Rachel wished Jackie could hide her disdain better while Rachel was trying to establish diplomatic ties.

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