Chapter 2

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"Yang, what in God's name are you doing?!" Weiss exclaimed at the taller blonde, who was laying the still unconscious Faunus woman on the couch. Safe to say, herself along with Ruby, were rather shocked when Yang had left with a garbage bag, and for some reason came back with an unconscious girl in her arms, who was bleeding immensely. Yang had been so focused on the girl in front of her that she hadn't even heard her sister and friends questions until they were being yelled at her.

"Ruby, can you grab the First Aid kit?" she asked, her eyes not leaving the woman's wound, as she put pressure on it with her palm.

"First Aid kit?" Ruby asked, uttering confused and a little scared as to what was transpiring in front of her.

"In the bathroom, in the left cupboard near the bottom. Hurry, please!"

Ruby immediately rushed to the bathroom, rummaging around the the cupboards. When she found it, she practically threw it at Yang, who then pulled out some rubbing alcohol, some gauze, and some bandages.

"Yang, please tell me what's going on! Why did you bring a stranger in here?!" Weiss exclaimed again.
Yang wasn't paying attention; she was too focused on the task at hand.

"Weiss, grab her legs."

"Excuse me?!"

"I said grab her legs! Hurry!"

Weiss wanted to protest against it, not wanting to get involved with the girl- a Faunus, of all people- but she knew Yang wouldn't stop yelling at her. She grabbed a hold of the ravenette's legs, holding them down against the couch.

"Ruby, hold her arms down!" Yang exclaimed at her little sister. The smaller girl didn't even hesitate to do as her sister said, holding the woman's arms above her head. The blonde then opened up the bottle of rubbing alcohol, and dabbed some on a patch of gauze. As soon as it touched the woman's wound, her eyes snapped open and she let out a loud scream, tears rolling down her eyes. She started thrashing about, her arms and legs trying to break from Weiss and Ruby's grasp.

"Woah!!" Ruby exclaimed, practically using all her weight to keep her arms in place, while Weiss tried her hardest not to get a foot to the face.

"Hold her still!" Yang ordered, as she carefully covered the wound with alcohol. The Faunus was screaming and crying for a few solid minutes, until it suddenly stopped. The thrashing quit.

"What.....happened?" Weiss panted, surprised by how much strength the stranger had in her.

"She passed out" Yang pressed some gauze against the wound, then grabbed the bandages. Rolling the woman's shirt up mid-stomach level, she wrapped up the wound, patching it until it was smothered with bandages. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Yang backed off and looked at the girl laying on their couch; sweat poured from her forehead, but her breathing had steadied.

"Won't that need stitches?" Ruby asked, also panting a little.

"No, it shouldn't. Wounds not to deep, so it should be fine" the blonde explained.

"Yang, you better start explaining....right now" Weiss demanded sternly, her hands on her hips. Yang let out other breath, falling flat onto a leather chair that was directly behind her.

"I found her laying by the dumpster. She was bleeding and she wanted help......I couldn't just leave her there."

"Why didn't you just, I don't know, take her to a hospital?!" Weiss spat sarcastically.

"I asked her that. She had that someone would be waiting for her, and I can guess that someone would be the person who tried to kill her. So, I brought her here."

"Someone tried to kill her?" Ruby asked, eyes wide.

"She's got handprint shaped bruises on her neck and what look's like a stab wound, so yeah, I'd say so."

"We should call the police" Weiss insisted sternly. "They know what to do for situations like this."

"No. I told her I wouldn't call the cops, and I'm not going to" Yang replied.

"For God's sake, Yang!" Weiss suddenly snapped, causing Ruby to flinched a little. Yang didn't move. "She's a stranger- a Faunus of all things! And you're just going to let her stay here?!"

The blonde's eyes darkened, little flicks of red threatening to reveal themselves. "Weiss, I know you don't exactly like Faunus, but right now I don't give a damn. I promised her I wouldn't get the police involved, so I'm not going to. And if you have a problem with that, then just stay out of it. Alright?"

Both girls, especially Weiss, visibly flinched. Yang's words sounded so controlled and calm, despite the anger lingering in her eyes, and somehow that was even more scary then when her eyes were fully red and she was yelling at the top of her lungs. Weiss looked down towards her feet, before walking back into the kitchen without uttering another word.

"I-I'll go get the guest room set up" Ruby stammered before running off to the end of the hall where the guest bedroom.

Yang sighed loudly, throwing her head back. She didn't mean to suddenly snap at her friend and sister like that. She'd try to apologize later. She looked over at the Faunus woman laying on their couch. Her breathing sounded more even than it was before, no longer raggedy and struggled. She got off the chair and knelt back down next to the ravenette, absentmindedly wiping off the remaining of her forehead.

"What the hell happened to you?" she whispered to herself. She recalled hearing 'he' and 'him' or something like that from the girl back in the alley. Whoever 'he' was must've done this. That had to be it. Yang clenched a fist.

"I don't know you. I don't even know your name yet" Yang whispered to the unconscious girl. "But, I won't let anyone hurt you here. I won't."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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