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I sigh in my first class of the day, this shit it's so boring! I hear the teacher announce. 'We have a new student here today!' I perk up seeing this short, hot, brunette haired slicked back in a beautiful red sweater with these cute black shorts...Ok yeah, I'm really gay. He says. 'Uh, hi. I'm Edward Kaspbrak but just call me Eddie, I just moved here with my mum and grandma cause she grew up here and thought it'd be a good place.' I grin as he comes and sits next to me, I go. 'Hi.' He nods starting to work. 'Hi.' I ask. 'Are you gay?' He says flustered and confused. 'What?!' I say. 'It's 2019, answer the question!' He answers a bit flushed. 'Why do you care?!' I answer. 'Starting a conversation.' He says. 'You could've chosen any other conversation starter!'  I nod. 'Is that a yes?' He starts ignoring me as I go. 'Psst, it's a bad idea to ignore me Eddie Spaghetti.' He raises an eyebrow. 'Eddie Spaghetti?' I nod. 'Yeah, it's a cool nickname.' He asks. 'What do people call you then?' I start listing them. 'Ok so, my friends call me Rich and trash mouth, and then everyone else calls me bucky beaver and then this amazing group of dickheads call me fuckface and four-eyed faggots. Cause of the glasses.'

Eddie nods. 'Interesting, now what's your actual name?' I answer. 'Richard Tozier, but, only call me Richie.' He laughs. 'Fine, Rich.' I smile. 'That means we're friends. No, take backs.' He laughs a bit as I say. 'Want to sit with me and my friends at lunch Eds?' He nods. 'Sure, just don't call me Eds, Eddie Spaghetti or anything like that.' I ruffle his hair. 'Spaghetti head!' He slaps my hands. 'Don't touch me! That's disgusting!' He starts fixing up his hair annoyed. 'Ok damm, but I'm going to call you Eds, you can't stop me cutie.' His cheeks turn red. 'Cutie?' I nod joking and pinching his cheeks. 'The cutest!' He slaps my hands as I laugh a bit too hard, the bell goes and I show him to my table. 'Good day chaps! This is Edward Kaspbrak a new boy in my class and I couldn't leave someone so cute out to be beaten by bowers.' We sit down as I say to Eddie. 'That's Stan, Bill, Bev and Ben her little boyfriend, we have another friend named Mike but he's homeschooled.' Eddie nods. 'Hello.' I say to Stan. 'Stan the man! Are we still hanging out after school in the woods?' Eddie says confused. 'Why are you all hanging out in the woods?! Did I just join a cult?' I shake my head. 'No! We're having fun, you should try it.'

He says confused. 'Your parents let you go to the woods?' I nod. 'What's the worst that can happen.' Eddie groans. 'My mum would kill me!' Stan nods. 'I'll drive you all there after school, Edward should come.' I laugh a bit as Eds chokes. 'Please just call me Eddie, and shut up Richard.' I look him dead in the eyes. 'I'll feed you to a bear.' Eddie laughs a bit. 'I don't think my mum would allow me to come, but I'll ask her now if everyone wants me to come?' Bev nods quickly. 'Yes of course! You seem amazing! We're all going back to my place after it and I can give you a makeover!' Eddie laughs a bit really happy. 'She said yes!' I say. 'You staying the night orrr?' I rub against him as he answers. 'I'll ask my mum but we'd need to swing by my house to grab my pills.' I ask. 'Are you dying or something?' He shakes his head. 'No of course not.' I nod as the day goes on, luckily we have a couple of classes together and he's not alone thanks to my amazing friends.

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