Chapter two

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Shinsos POV

My dad, Aizawa, told me I'm moving classes today, I don't know why and I don't want to but whatever. It's probably so he can keep an eye on me with my anxiety and panic attacks, ugh, he's so over protective of me.
(bold is Aizawa, underlined is hawks, normal is shinso)
"yep, coming dad"
It's annoying having to get up early. My cat, Mochi, is snuggled up at the end of my bed, she's so cute, I quickly pat her, making sure not to awaken the purring beauty (it sounds like he's attracted to the cat lmao)
I quickly put on my uniform and brush the mess of hair on my head, and run down the stairs
"hi dad"
"hey son, Aizawa is making food"

-10 minutes later-

We finished breakfast and I left before my mum (aizawa) , he seemed like he was about to punch dad (hawks) , since dad was flirting with mum and normal crap
I got to school and went to my mum's office, which is what I was told to do. And waited for a good 10-15 minutes
Finally mum showed up
"okay Shinso, as you know, your moving into my class, class 1A, remember not to call me mum though alright."
"yes mu- I mean... Aizawa-sensei"
"okay follow me"

We walked over to class 1A.... Here it goes

"good morning class, settle down I have an announcement, we'll have a new student joining our class, he has gone to UA all year but he'll be in this class instead, please welcome Hitoshi Shinso"

That's my Que, I walk in the class and look around, that's when I noticed the beautiful dark yellow eyes of..... Him......

I wOnDeR wHo He Is TaLkInG aBoUt
(hi Jessie waddup)
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Word count: 316

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