Preference #19 He realizes he has feelings for you

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Damon's POV:

I just arrived at the Mikaelson ball feeling very confident I looked like a million bucks, but all that confidence went out of the window when I saw her walking down the steps in that beautiful black dress with her hair in a bit of a messy ponytail. She walked down the stairs with such grace and confidence like she owned the room which she technically did. Y/N Mikaelson I met her a month or two ago and man did she impress me and not just because of her looks (and she is gorgeous!) her sassy personality was such a turn on, but I didn't have feelings for her I had eyes for one girl and that was Elena. I went on with my night but I couldn't stop looking over at her how everyone was flocking towards her they all wanted to talk to her I didn't understand the anger in my chest though when I would see a man get too close to her. After the toast I lost track of her I couldn't pick her out anywhere, until I heard a commotion upstairs I went to see what was going on, and I found her on one of the many balconies trying to calm down her brother Kol who appeared to be breaking Matt's hand. "Hey! Easy with the hand, he's a quarterback" Y/N whipped her head around to look at me and Kol glared at me before I shoved him off the balcony and then jumped after him punching him a couple of times and then snapping his neck. I heard Stefan yell at me and I turned around to see Y/N, Elena, Stefan, and the rest of the Mikaelsons behind me staring at the seen in front of them "Are you crazy?" Stefan asked I glanced over at Y/N "Maybe a little." I then looked at Elena "far be it for me to create a problem" and then turned around and walked away.

Y/N's POV:

I could see how much pain Damon was in, I should be mad at him he snapped my little brothers neck, but I feel guilty. I chased after him I could feel my brothers eyes on me, I knew they didn't want me around Damon. I finally caught up to him and I grabbed his arm he turned around and looked at me still seeming slightly angry, "Are you okay?" I asked looking him in the eye "why do you care? Shouldn't you be trying to kill me for snapping Kol's neck!" he snapped at me I wasn't scared of him but it did shock me a little bit that he was speaking to me like this "I should be mad at you yes, but Kol was hurting Matt I can understand why you did it,and I care because I can see you are in pain and whatever is going on isn't easy for you! So don't be a dick because I care!" he looked at me like I had two heads, I think I surprised him with my reaction. I waited a couple minutes for him to say something but he didn't so I put my hand on his arm and began to speak again "It's not bad to have people who care Damon, letting people in doesn't make you weak." he just continued to stare at me so I turned around and walked back towards my house.

Damon's POV:

I watched her walk away from me still in utter shock I was amazed at how she could be so compassionate and caring but at the same time she wasn't scared to put me in my place, she was truly amazing. In the moment I realized I did have feelings for Y/N Mikaelson.


Stefan"s POV:

It's been two days, two days since Elena and I broke up because Katherine is selfish, and evil, and is determined to ruin all of our lives. Oddly enough though I am sitting here and I feel sad and angry but it doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would. The sound of the door slamming pulls me out of my own head and I turn to the doorway as Y/N walks in with a casual look on her face and that little bounce in her step that she always seems to have no matter what. She plops down on the couch next to me and looks up at me "so sad sack when do you think you will get off the couch?" at first my eyes got wide and I was in shock but then I just couldn't help but laugh because that is just who Y/N is. I looked down at her with a playful look as she rested her head on my shoulder "I was thinking Christmas 2052, how does that sound?" she gave me a look that simply said are you an idiot? " See now that just doesn't work for me, and why 2052?" I couldn't help but be amazed by her. I'm sure everyone else is checking on Elena or is walking on eggshells around me, but she is just sitting here blunt, casual, and dorky as usual and making me feel better like always. "I dont know I'm just hoping that will be a good year, and why not? Christmas is your favorite holiday so I will just make an epic comeback and that will be your Christmas present sounds pretty great to me!" she rolled her eyes at me and I could tell she was holding back a smile "You could definitely come up with a better Christmas present than that, plus I was thinking this Christmas we dress Damon up as Santa and set him on a corner with a bell and just sit back and watch, it would be pretty entertaining so you can't miss that!" I couldn't help the genuine laugh that came out after imagining Damon in a Santa costume "I don't see Damon ever doing that, but if you get him to then yes, I guess you are right I can't stay on the couch for that!" a big smile popped on her face and she hopped up off the couch and looked right at me "Good now that that is settled. Get up hero hair I want to go on a sunset hike and all of the others are too lazy to go with me!" I rolled my eyes "Oh, so I'm just a second choice?" "of course not, bunny murderer, you are always my first choice," she said and then winked at me before grabbing my hand and forcing me to my feet. I smiled and went along with it but as we were about to walk out the door I stopped and said "WAIT!" she jumped a little and turned around so fast I thought she would get whiplash I held back a laugh as I looked at her and said "Just so you know I am the best Christmas present you could ever get" she looked at me and rolled her eyes before turning around and saying "hell yeah baby!" and as she dragged me out the door for a hike I realized no one else would've been able to get me off that couch but her, she is one of a kind, and maybe she is the reason I wasn't hurting as bad as I thought I would because I have feelings  for Y/N.

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