Bakugou sighed, taking a sip from the coffee. It wasn't good... but it wasn't terrible. She definitely added too much sugar for his tastes. Those two were a handful... and he was getting the urge to call in sick today and just stay home with you... but he knew he couldn't.

"Looks like they're at it again." Kirishima chuckled, walking into the lobby and seeing his friend with a long face. "You sure look impressed with their efforts to impress you."

Bakugou swatted him off. "Don't make me regret approving of you coming here to look after things since the little brat's nearly here."

Kirishima laughed again. "Oh come on, Bakubro. We both know you needed the mediator between those two kids and you. Glad to have the job though!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes, the pair starting to head into his office. They needed to plan what the interns would be doing today... and Bakugou was for sure not letting them hang out around here doing paperwork. Seeing... as they nearly destroyed the write up yesterday...

"They've been asking about patrol," Kirishima told him once the doors were closed. "They need the field experience."

Bakugou snorted. "And what makes you think they can handle going out and fighting actual crime when they can't even work together to make a photocopy?"

"Well... for starters this isn't an office internship. It's a hero internship." Kirishima shrugged. "And personally... Fatgum putting me on patrol with him on day one... really helped me get the grasp of hero work and know how important a public image is. As I'm sure you know..."

Bakugou grumbled, pressing the button on his desk.

"Yes, Ground Zero?" His secretary spoke through the intercom.

"Get the two UA brats in here... and clear my schedule, as well as Kirishima's.... We're spending the day out in the field." He spoke, sounding upset.

Kirishima smiled at him. "Good choice!"

"If anything happens... it's your fault." Bakugou warned him.

"They're not that bad." Kirishima rubbed a hand through his hair. "In fact... they remind me a little bit of you and (Name) when we were at UA."

Bakugou looked at his friend with wide eyes. "What?!"

"Oh come on... it's easy to see. Onishi and Kameko have feelings for each other... but are a bit aware of it. They fight and argue like the old married couple you and (Name) are. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them asks the other out to 'fucking coffee' eventually."

Kirishima smirked, Bakugou's opening line to asking you out having become quite the infamous line now. The ash-blonde in question felt his eye twitch.

"I was eighteen and never liked someone before... give me a fucking break." Bakugou growled. "And like you have room to speak Shitty Hair... you and the alien only got together 'cause you got jealous when some zero hero was hitting on her."

Kirishima blushed. "H-how about a truce and we not talk about the weird things we did to get together with our wonderful women?"

Bakugou smirked, the door to his office opening as his interns entered. He didn't even give them the chance to speak, getting up from his desk and starting to head out.

"We're going on patrol. Either keep up or get left behind."


When he had taken the two UA students out on patrol, he had assumed they'd only get a few minor criminals, like theft or destruction of property. But of all the times for one of the stronger criminals to decide to try and seek revenge on the ash blonde for foiling one of his schemes... it had to be today.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now