We started to head to class when I noticed a group of people were clumped together...clumped together around Ivan.

Oh no.

"I'll catch up with you later Als...I need to check on something," I said, handing Alya my bag. She nodded and went towards the classroom.

I meanwhile, went towards Ivan.

The talking became evident, "Ya, you were totally trying to kill me. If Chat Noir and Scarlet lady hadn't shown up when they did, you would have flattened me!" Kim was saying.

"Sorry, I wasn't myself...I don't even really remember much," Ivan explained.

"Ya, you totally owe Scarlet Lady! In fact, the whole city does! They should build a statue to honor her...in fact, I'm gonna call daddy about that right now!" Chloe said, bringing out her phone.

"And Chat Noir," Everyone looked at me.

"Who?" Chloe asked.

"Chat Noir. You know, the other superhero? He was amazing, and practically fought off the villain by himself!" I then winced when I remembered that the villain had been Ivan.

"Him? That mangy flee-bag? He didn't do anything! Just sat there-" Chloe scoffed.

"Chloe, I was there. Didn't you see the video? I was the one making a peace sign at the end? With the pigtails?" I implied, "Chat Noir did all the work. It was Scarlet Lady who sat there, just doing her makeup. She wouldn't even use her special powers-"

"That's not true! I did use my-I mean, she did use her special power!" Chloe argued.

"She created a box of cereal. Then she threw it on the ground," I said dryly.

The people around me laughed, even Ivan...well, Chloe didn't. In fact, she was bright red in the face, "HOW DARE YOU! SHE RISKED HER LIFE DEFENDING OUR PRECIOUS CITY!"

I rolled my eyes, "All she risked was breaking a sweat, and how would you know Chloe? Alya didn't film the battle... just the end when we were talking to the superheroes, and you weren't there. How do you know all this? Where's your proof? Listen, I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm just saying, if anyone deserves a statue to honor them, it's Chat Noir," I shrugged.

But that seemed to only make Chloe angrier...and that anger was lashed out at Ivan, "Well that's all his fault! You know what they say, once a monster always a monster. You're a freak and a fool to think Mylen or any girl would ever love you!" Then, Chloe gave a hair flip and walked away.

Suddenly, Ivan stood and ran off.

Oh no...I turned to Kim, "Kim, come here for a minute," I commanded. He followed me a little ways away from the group.

Then, "You told Chloe about Ivan's crush on Mylan? Are you mad?!" I asked.

Kim shrugged, "I had to find some way to start a conversation with her..." Then he looked guilty, "I never thought it would lead to this..."

I sighed, "Well you'll have to find a way to make it up to Ivan...I'm gonna make sure he's okay."

Then I ran off to find Ivan.


"Putting your poem to a song is a great idea!" Marinette said to Ivan, walking towards the classroom.

I came up from behind, and tapped on Marinette's shoulder, "Hey Marinette!"

The girl suddenly jumped and stumbled backward, tripping over her own feet and falling.

I hurried to help her up, "Are you okay?"

"Ya...sorry, you just startled me," Marinette smiled, standing, then, Chloe ran up, "MARITRASH! Do I have to spell it out for you?" Chloe grabbed Marinette's arm and dragged her away.

"Chloe, what are you doing?" I called, running after them. I only caught the end of what Chloe was saying, "He belongs with rich, famous people like me, so BACK OFF!"

Marinette looked like she'd been slapped across the face. What had Chloe said?

"Marinette?" I asked when Chloe had run off to class.

She immediately hung her head, "I'm sorry if I bugged you, Adrien..." Then she ran off too.

What was going on?


From there, things went as you know them...kinda. Ivan sang his song to Mylen, but afraid that he was yelling at her with his loud lyrics, she ran off in fear. Heartbroken, Ivan transforms into StoneHeart again, now with an army of Stone Beings at his aid. The first thing he did? Grab Mylen...but then, things went wrong.

"Ivan! Please, put Mylen down!" I called after him, running as fast as I could.

I was shaking, and my heart was pounding, but I knew Mylen must be a million times more frightened right now, so I kept running.

"IVAN!" I screamed.

He suddenly stopped and frowned, "It's okay Marinette. I won't let that Chat Noir scare you," Then he picked me up.

I screamed.

Then, I stopped...I realized Ivan must be trying to protect me...in his own way. When Chat Noir had pretended to attack me...Ivan, er, StoneHeart, must think I was scared of him!


So, we were carried through the city. I noticed with a sinking heart, that the stone beings were following us.

It was starting to rain, and lightning was flashing overhead.

Mylen was beginning to sob.

"Mylen, don't cry! It's okay. Chat Noir will save us...and Scarlet Lady!" I said, trying to cheer her up.

"B-But how? They're two people. StoneHeart has an entire army!" She sobbed.

"Hey, I know it doesn't look good, but we can't give up! We need to be strong to show them we're not scared! Do you hear me? WE ARE NOT SCARED!"

Mylen actually managed a smile, "You're right...with you here, I'm not scared Marinette. In fact, I feel brave!"

I nodded, "Atta girl!"

It began to rain harder, and the ground quaked with every step StoneHeart and his army took. As we traveled through the city, I realized where he was taking us. The Eiffel Tower.

With a sinking heart, I whispered, "Hurry up, Chat Noir...please. I really don't like heights." 

Marigold; Adventures of Scarlet Lady and ChatWhere stories live. Discover now