Chapter 4

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Funny, being so close to finding your purpose, but so far...that's what I was going through...though I didn't know it at the time. But somewhere in my heart, I knew that being Chat Noir's partner was right. Anyhow, while my heart was full of the confusion and the sadness of loss, my sweet little Tikki was stirring up trouble for her new owner.


"What do you mean you won't eat chocolate? Who doesn't eat chocolate?" Chloe cried in dismay.

Tikki just shook her head, "No chocolate!"

"What do you want then?"

"Cookies and macaroons. Dupain-Cheng cookies and macaroons, straight from their bakery."

"What! No way. I will not support that brat's bakery!"

"I won't eat anything else!"

"Ugh, fine! Starve!" Chloe said, disgusted.

Tikki gave an evil smirk, "If you don't feed me, then I can't get my energy back which means you can't transform into Scarlet Lady."

Chloe stopped. She was silent.

Then she grabbed Tikki and tried to shake her. Tikki just phased through Chloe's hands as Chloe started shouting in anger.

Tikki wanted to roll her eyes but refrained from doing so.


Tikki happily munched on her macaroon. Her Dupain-Cheng macaroon.

Chloe grumbled in the corner of her room, but Tikki saw her eating a cookie. They really were the best pastries in all of Paris.


" was Ladybug? Amazing? Wonderful? Fantastic?" Plagg asked.

I frowned, " She didn't do anything. Just sat, watched, and did her makeup."

Plagg's jaw dropped, "What? No, Ladybug wouldn't do that..."

I shrugged and turned on the news.

'Thanks to this amateur footage, we now know who is responsible for StoneHeart's defeat!' The news lady, Nadia, stated.

I turned towards my computer when suddenly Plagg shouted, "That is NOT Ladybug!!"

I turned, confused, "Well...I mean, she calls herself Scarlet Lady, but she has the miraculous and the powers."

"WHAT! Scarlet Lady? She changed the name too?" Plagg exclaimed, unbelieving.

"I don't really see what the big deal is..."

"Oh...this is so so so bad..."

"Well, there was this girl today though. Her name's Marinette. She's in my class, and today...just wow. I was in over my head with StoneHEart, when she comes running in and saves my tail...she was amazing...and super smart!"

Plagg slowly turned around to face me, "Marinette. Marinette saved you?"

I nodded.

"Excuse me for one moment..." Plagg flopped onto my pillow and screamed, "WHAT DID MASTER DO!?!"

I could only look on in confusion...kwamis were such strange creatures.

Suddenly, a troubling announcement came over the TV.

"Alert. Everyone stay butterflies are swarming Paris and turning everyone they touch into stone beings."


I walked into school with a smile on my face. Alya was going on and on about her new website called, 'the LadyBlog' and about how cool it was that Paris was now protected by superheroes.

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