Chapter 5

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Hey guys...okay, so stupid me made a big see, I write my stories on a different site, (not actually on Wattpad) so I just copy and paste them to Wattpad then post them...well, it turns out I was missing two entire chapters from this story...oops. Anyhow, I'm posting them now, I just wanted to clarify. I'm so so so sorry for the mistake, but I do hope you guys are enjoying the story!

"And that Adrinkins, is why you should NEVER use the cafeteria napkins!" Chloe finished.

I nodded like I understood, but all I'd gotten out of that one-sided conversation was that 'paper napkins were for the poor, and that only fine silk would do for rich people'.

I hated how Chloe referred to us as if we were above everyone seemed...wrong...But I didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her that...Especially while I was still new to this whole 'friend' thing. Besides, I've known Chloe since...well, since my mom was still here.

I didn't want to risk losing her too.

As we walked from the park to the school, I bumped into Alya.

Her cheeks were bright red, and she was out of breath.


"Adrien! It's awful! Ivan's been akumatized again!" Alya panted.

Ice gripped my heart, "Oh no! We need to get everyone to safety!" I had to transform!

As I began to run off, Alya grabbed my arm, "Adrien...that's not the worst part. This time, StoneHeart's got an entire army on his side... and he's kidnapped Mylen!"

My frown deepened. I really needed to transform. I started to run off again, about to shout an excuse, when Alya grabbed my arm a second time.

"Adrien...StoneHeart didn't just take Mylen," 

I froze, starting to understand., no, no, no! Please don't say it, "He took Marinette. And he's heading for the top of the Eiffel Tower. If he drops her..." Alya paled.

I didn't even bother to make an excuse. I ran. When I was safely hidden away, Plagg flew out of my jacket pocket, "Ready to save Paris?"

I nodded and whispered under my breath, "And Marinette... Plagg! Claws out!" I exclaimed.


"What do you mean, 'I have to capture the Akuma'? That sounds like so much work!" Chloe pouted.

Tikki sighed in exasperation, "If you don't then Paris will crumble and HawkMoth will take away your miraculous. Then you won't be Ladybu- I mean, Scarlet Lady anymore."

Chloe paled.

"Listen, heard Alya. StoneHeart has Marinette, so you can't give her back her miraculous-"

"IT'S NOT HERS! I GOT IT FAIR AND SQUARE!" Chloe suddenly screamed.

Tikki hung her head in defeat, "You're the only one who can do this Chloe."

Chloe stared at the tiny creature who so easily bent to her will...yet she didn't feel satisfaction...what she felt...was it...could it be...guilt?

"Okay. I'll do it."


"You're so useless Chat Noir! This is all your fault. If you had caught the Akuma beforehand, then this never would have happened," Scarlet Lady sighed.

I was so tempted to push Scarlet Lady off the building where we watched StoneHeart.

Rain poured down, and lightning crashed above us.

Marigold; Adventures of Scarlet Lady and ChatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz