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With a quick motion the pocket watch was closed shut. The bear hummed and nodded, placing the pocket watch in its place among the wall of other clocks, memories, the past.
He nodded at his work, but he looked over when he sensed another presence with him.
The purple rabbit had entered and stood next to him. They were a bit smaller and fizzier than before, but the bear recognized this was from them loosing their physical form.
"You are quite an odd remnant, little one. There are not many instances of those like you loosing your life to save your other selves."
The rabbit gave a tired hum. "I think he deserves a chance to be okay." They stumbled slightly, and the bear caught him.
"You've taken a nasty hit, you'd likely be nothing more than ash if I hadn't stepped in." The bear paused, then sighed. "Not sure why I did in the end"
"Because you liiiike meeee" the bunny playfully teased. This got a snort out of the shadow bear.
"Come now, we have work to do" the bear allowed the other to hold his arm as they walked out of the room. The bunny hummed. "What did you say your name was again? Silly me, I think I forgot"
The bear looked over, then back forward. "You may call me Ursa Major." The bunny giggled with a grin.
"If your Ursa Major can I be Ursa Minor?" The bear looked over at them with a raised brow. Then shrugged. "If that's what you wish to be called, then I shall call you Ursa Minor"
This got a grin from the rabbit. Who was bold enough to try and run ahead, they stumbled slightly and paused, suddenly being drawn to a row of clocks. They walked up to one, almost drawn to the name.
"Ah, is this familiar to you? Or perhaps to the memories you hold?" The bear asked the rabbit nodded, they reached out as if to grab a pocket watch, but hesitated. Looking back at the bear to silent ask permission. They got a nod in response.
"You'll have to learn to do this yourself, best to start now." Ursa Major stayed simply, with a subtle smile.
Ursa Minor grinned and carefully, delicately, removed a clock from the wall, it was under a name that tickled those memories he held onto, while he didn't wish to compare himself to his previous state of being, he was curious on this person. With a motion they clicked open the watch, and it spun backwards like a cassette tape before playing the memories held.
The rain poured down against the windshield as he drove. The shorter man in the passenger side seat looked out the window, blissfully unaware of what was truly happening.
He pulled into a dirt road and slowed down.
"What's this?" The shorter blonde asked.
"Got to make a stop before we get there"  the larger answers. He parked the car and opened his door, he made a motion for the other to stay put as he went into the trunk. The shorter man knew this must be something secretive, but his curiosity was eating away at him. He debated looking back, to view what forbidden act his partner was covering up. But he stayed put and looked at his hands. If he knew he could be in danger, he was already on thin ice with this man. And his cold piercing eyes... he didn't want those trained on him. He only looked up at the end, his curiosity won over. He saw the larger man burry something into the ground, it was dark, and the headlights were the only source of light available.
But he could have sworn he saw something resembling a shallow grave.
He looked to the side so quick his neck popped when the larger man started to return. He sat himself down and backed the car out of the clearing.
Both men were silent for a long time.
The tension so think you could slice a butter knife threw it.
The younger decided he had to say something, to throw of suspicion? To lighten the mood? He wasn't sure, but he opened his mouth and quietly said.
"Raining cats and dogs out there" the larger hummed in agreement.
"Think Gene is doing okay down there?" He changed the subject, anything to move on from the previous scene.
"If Eugene wishes to spend so much time with the animatronics then let him. His funeral" the larger man darkly chuckled. "They'll all be gone by the end of the week anyhow."
The shorter man chuckled nervously. "Yah... I guess so." His mind going back to the bunker that stored the animatronics.
How it had stayed active so long he never knew.
Those animatronics freaked him out.
And he could never shake the feeling that something was being hidden there...
Something nasty...
And twisted...
He stared out into the car window, watching the street lights fly by.
"We'll be there soon," the larger man spoke. "It's a bit far but this place has some of the best burgers in town" the man let out an uncharacteristically cheerful laugh, like the previous scene hadn't even happened. The smaller man shoved down his questions and simply smiled.
"I'll take your word on that Jack"

The bear closed the pocket watch when he saw the rabbit shaking. "Perhaps you've seen enough for now." Major sighed and moved to put the watch back on the wall.
"But... But what happened to them?" Minor asked innocently, but the bear could see the curiosity and worry behind the rabbits eyes. They knew by now that if their memories were here the person behind them was likely....
Well they had ended one state of being. The bear hummed, and placed a hand on the rabbits back, gently leading them away.
"If you wish to know, we can continue to observe another time. Perhaps when you are a bit more stable."
This seemed to pacify the rabbit who nodded.
Soon then left the room with the ticking clocks, Ursa Major looked back briefly, and smiled softly and some unseen force.
"Yes, we'll see the rest soon"

Fritz and Fright {Fnaf au}Where stories live. Discover now