Meet and greet

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Today was the day.
It was a bright beautiful Sunday morning, Smith drove into the parking lot and locked the car. "To late to turn back Now" he chucked, not like he wanted out anyway.
Mr. Smith walked up to the cafe he and this Phone dude fella agreed to meet at, it was a nice place, small but comfortable. Smith found the man waving enthusiastically at him from one of the tables, and so he walked over and sat across from him. The man immediately shakes his hand excitedly
"Aw man it's so good to meet you mister Fritz"
"Please, call me Smith" smith smiles
"Mister smith, again I can't thank you enough for agreeing to help! Oh! My name is Justin Blake by the way" Justin smiles, Smith can't help but notice his excitement and generally upbeat attitude. 'Reminds me of Fritz' he thought to himself with a sad smile.
The two discussed the location and what the job entailed, as well as some small talk on the side. They left agreeing that Smith would watch the building a week before the official opening just to make sure nothing gets stolen or catches on fire. He even got the address. Justin enthusiastically waved and walked back to his car.
"I'll call ya when your shift starts to let ya know what's happening!" He called out quickly which Smith response was a thumbs up and a nod. "Looking forward to it!" He called back and soon watched Justin drive away. He sighed. "Nice dude. Hope this works out for him" he hummed.
Since the building wasn't to far away from the route Smith took to drive home, he decided to swing by and just take a look. He pulled up to the parking lot and hopped out of the car. Looking up at the refurbished building that would soon host a horror attraction. He had to admit, for an attraction that's basically been tossed together by one passionate adult... it looked decent. Maybe the run down building was helping the horror vibe, Smith whistled.
"Looks old... but hey if it works it works." He turned to leave, but felt a cold breeze behind him, he had the odd feeling of being watched, smith turned around and saw... nothing.
All there was behind him was an old building turned horror attraction.
smith blinked, shrugged, and got back into his car.
"Guess the atmosphere is better then I gave it credit for" he mumbles to himself as he drives out of the parking lot. The feeling of unease followed him home.
Smith unlocked the doors to his small home, it wasn't anything fancy but hey, at least it wasn't a cramp apartment. He put his belongings on a side table and slumped over to the couch. He suddenly felt exhausted after leaving the building's sight. Maybe all the activities from today were catching up to him.
Or maybe I'm not as young as I like to think I am
He absently thought. He shook his head and pulled his hood over his face. His eyes fluttering closed as he soon drifted off into a rough sleep.

Everything was fuzzy, a dream? Perhaps. But he felt to solid for this to be just another dream.
The walls were dreary and covered in mold and water stains. The floor was cracked and covered in muddy footprints. He thought he heard the sound of something large and heavy walking around.
A cold shiver tailed up his spine and he looked around, a soft voice whispered to him
"Follow me"
He turned to face it and was met with a thin figure, it was a tall, puppet like figure, with an unknown expression on its face. He tilted his head at the figure, vaguely aware that the heavy footsteps were approaching from behind.
The puppet made a motion to follow.
He obliged.
The puppet lead him though the warn down building, he looked around.
There were children's drawings scattered on the walls, and he got the feeling that this used to be a popular children's place. But it had the air of a long forgotten location.
The puppet soon stopped at the stage.
Three large animatronics where standing tall.
A bear
A bunny
And a chicken.
He heard the footsteps of another approach and looked over.
A fox had joined the group.
He looked up at the puppet confused.
It said in a begging tone. Looking desperately at him.
"Help us"
He was about to respond when a hand grabbed his shoulder.
He looked back and was face to face with a figure of purple. Black beety eyes looked at him.
Before he could react a red axe was swung at him.
He woke up with a jolt. Sitting up from the couch and looking around. Once he was sure he was back in his familiar home and not some decrepit building he released a breath he didn't realize he was holding.
"Some nightmare huh" he mumbled, but he had the feeling it wasn't just some dream. His eyes slid over to the picture of the two bothers.
"Maybe I should have taken your word before bro..." he mumbles before standing up.
"Welp, can't disappoint now. And well, a little adventure never killed anyone." He stretched his back until he heard a satisfying pop and sighed. His first shift stayed tomorrow so he decided to call it a night early. It wasn't long before he changed into a comfortable sleep shirt and slid into bed. He flicked off the lights and put his glasses on the side table before laying back and looking at the ceiling.
The odd feeling of being watched tingled at the back of his mind. But he decided not to worry. Instead he spoke.
"Not sure what you're trying to tell me but uh... well I'm certainly curious now." He wasn't sure who he was talking to, or if they were even listening.
"I'll see how I can help. Can't promise anything other then I'll try" he said with a yawn before turning over to his side to settle in.
He drifted off into a dreamless sleep. None the wiser of the story he has inserted himself into

Fritz and Fright {Fnaf au}Where stories live. Discover now