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He hadn't expected the place to go up so quickly.
But maybe that was for the best, didn't have to linger longer than he had to.
The flames reached up and licked at his sides,
He didn't feel the heat as much as he thought.
Guess that's one bonus of having a robotic body.
He looked up at the ceiling, it'd soon collapse and cover his body with rubble.
But for a brief moment he thought he saw several souls float up and away.
One soul, that looked to be a woman with longer hair, looked back down at him. Then slowly waved before floating away on balloons.
Springtrap found himself slowly waving back.
They deserved their freedom.
Just as he deserved to burn.
He sat against a wall, briefly contemplating where his soul would end up.
He decided it didn't matter in the end.
He'd end up in whatever punishment he rightly deserved.
So he closed his eyes and let the flames consume him.
Ethan woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. Weird, he thought, that wasn't his alarm. He pushed himself onto his side and answered, with a yawn he spoke.
"Fritz! Oh my god you've gotta get over here!" Justin was on the other line, Ethan almost forgot about him. Where had he been all week?
"Huh? Slow down, what's going on?" Ethan pushed himself up more, Justin was noticeably distressed but Ethan didn't know what would be upsetting him so much.
"It's the worst! I don't know what happened if it was an accident or or someone sabotaged the place and I haven't got a clew and neither do the investigators-"
"What's going on Justin?" Ethan demanded, slightly more serious. What Justin said nearly made him drop his phone.
"It's Fazbears fright! It's up in flames!"
Ethan has never gotten himself out of bed and dressed so quickly in his life, he only just managed to grab a cereal bar before jumping into his car and speeding his way towards Fazbears fright, he could see the smoke rising as he turned the corner and pulled into a parking spot. Fire fighters were putting out the last of the flames, but even still Ethan could see the wreckage of the building. How big had this fire been? His mind immediately jumped to Springtrap, was he okay? Did he know this would happen?
He looked so certain when he left last night... did he?...
And it clicked
he never did get an answer for if Springtrap wanted to atone... maybe this was his way of doing it.
"Oh my god..." Ethan whispered, he let it out forced, nervous chuckle. "The absolute mad man, he actually did it!"
"Mister Smith!" Ethan turned and spotted Justin waving him down, jogging towards him. Ethan waved back.
"Do you know what happened?" Ethan asked, the younger man next to him shook his head.
"I'm not sure, I've heard investigators say it was an electrical fire or, or something I don't... maybe I shouldn't have gone so old school with this thing..." the man looked dejected. Ethan pat his back.
"Well, it was fun while it lasted" Ethan tried to sound calm.
"I-I'll be sure to send you your pay, though I doubt this place will be reopening... awww man and I found such good props too." Justin ran his fingers though his hair nervously. "And I even just had the t shirts delivered! I- I don't think I can get a refund on those"
"Wait t shirts?" Ethan looked over, Justin nodded.
"Y-yah I thought it'd be neat. Selling those 'I survived' yadda yadda style shirts would be awesome! I drew up a design and everything it was so cool! And now I can't even sell them here!... maybe I can pawn them off online?" He mumbles trying to think of a plan. Ethan pauses, then decided why nod?
"You got a few of those I can take home?" Ethan asked. Justin gave a small smile as he nodded.
"Sure, there's in my trunk, pick out as many as you'd like I Uh... I got a lot" Justin motioned as he jogged over to his car, he popped open the truck and opened a cardboard box. Ethan sifted threw a few and pulled out one in his size.
"What do you think? I drew up the design myself" Justin asked, smiling nervously.
The shirt had a circular logo for the attraction, in the center was a stylized depiction of Springtrap himself, though he looked more cartoony than usual, he had a snarl to make him look semi intimidating. Surrounding the logo were the words 'I survived Fazbears fright! And all I got was this crummy t-shirt'
Ethan grinned. "Dude, I love it! I'll take ten" Justin let out a genuine smile and nodded.
So Ethan walked away from the truck with a handful of t shirts, and tossed them into his passenger side door. He took one more look over towards the remains of the attraction, the fire was out by now.
There was hardly anything left.
Ethan sighed. "Goodbye guys, see ya on the flip side" he gave a small wave before climbing into his car.
Before he shut the door he felt a cold chill crawl up his spine. Ethan shrugged it off as the wind, though his mind wanted to argue otherwise.
In the end he decided not to worry and started his near silent drive home.
Ethan was back home and laying on his bed, he had a few of those novelty t shirts tossed haphazardly into his closet, 'for my collection' he thought. He idly looked over towards his phone. From what he gathered nothing would have survived that fire.
Springtrap was gone.
...something in his gut told him that wasn't entirely correct. But even if the rotten robot was still alive Ethan had no idea where he would be.
He lost someone yet again.
Ethan grabbed a pillow and shoved it into his face, feeling the uncomfortable pressure of his glasses pressed against his nose. He didn't want to but his mind started to spiral into negatives. He was alone, he wasn't getting them back, he'd be stuck in this too big house alone for the rest of his pathetic life.
But was he really?
He tossed his pillow away and picked up his phone. There was still someone out there he could reach out to.
And it was about time he stopped hiding.
So he sat up from his bed, slipped on his shoes, and started walking.
The spot was a distance away, but he needed the exorcise so ethan didn't mind. Soon enough he was down a hiking path and crossing a dirt road, the gravel crunches against his shoes as he approached a stone bridge, it was old and had vines growing around the columns, but it still held one of the nicest views Ethan had access to. A small creak flowing down a forest path into the horizon.
He remember when he and his twin would sneak out here to play, they'd be pirates or superheroes, sometimes secret agents traveling into dangerous territory to save the damsel in distress.
Ethan pulled out his phone,
He was vaguely aware of how his hands shook holding the device. Stifling his fear he dialed an old familiar number, he held the phone to his ear as it rang.
And it rang.
And rang.
And rang...
"Hi you've reached the phone of Fritz Smith. I can't come to the phone right now but if you leave a name and number I'll get back to you. Thanks! Have a great day."
Voice mail. Of coarse it was a voice mail, he was probably asleep. Timezones. Ethan debated just hanging up then and there, but he forced himself to stay on the line until he heard the tone.
"Hey Fritz! It's me Ethan, yah I know it's uh, it's been a while but hey I'm not dead yet. Haha. Uh... sorry I've taken so long to reach out I Uh... I've had some stuff I've needed to work on... for myself really. Hope your doing good! Love to talk with you again sometimes. Just call when your free." Ethan hesitated, then added "love you bro. Bye" and he ended the call. Ethan sighed and leaned over the railing of the stone bridge. He pocketed his phone and looked out over the creak.
"It's a start" he nodded to himself. He stated in place for a long minute before finally deciding to turn back and walk home.

Fritz and Fright {Fnaf au}Where stories live. Discover now