Chapter 43

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"I seriously need to leave this place".

The hell was that dream?

Making me cry and shit...

Soon I'll be leaving this place and hopefully it won't be hard.

I'm not sure how I'd deal with that.

I didn't feel this attached towards my own home and I've lived there almost my whole life.

"Ah youngsters these days...skipping school".

"Ah old people these days...not knowing how to mind there own business"I mumbled lowering my head.

I'm feeling kind of thirsty..I want to stop by the store but I have no damn money.

In all seriousness,why the hell did I leave school?

I have absolutely nothing to do out here.

Sometimes I question my level of intelligence.

Anything interesting to do...

As someone who is related to the Serpents I shouldn't be doing this but it's not like I haven't done it.

I pull my phone out and press the last person I texted on my phone.

MC:Well this is new,what's up princess?
J:Where are you?
MC:...why?I have no interest in you
J:Shut up bastard neither do I,I'm just bored as hell
MC:Shouldn't a little kid like you be in school?
J:...Fine I don't wanna see u either
MC:Well ur a bitch
J:I'll kill you
MC:Just go to the Highschool
J:...I feel like that Highschool has had more screentime then anyone here
J:Nothing I'll be there

"What am I doing again?".

Getting involved with bad people seems to be my charm apparently...

The stupid choices I make in life is exactly what people call, 'White people stuff'.

(No offense)

Hopefully that womans choice to send me away is a good one because if nothing about me changes I'm sueing.

I've wasted 17 years of my life doing absolutely nothing.

Troublesome people are involved with me and they're all annoying.

I'm probably frustrated because I haven't had sex or some shit.

Something in me wishes I could've asked Sweet Pea to come with me,that way I wouldn't be so bored right now.


Why did I skip?

After a lot of walking and thinking I arrived to the highschool where MC was already waiting,I wanted to ask how long he had been waiting but honestly I didn't care.

He drove me to his little base that looked just as broken down as the Whyte Wyrm.

I stepped inside and immediately went into a coughing fit.

"Smells like absolute dog shit in here"I say inbetween coughs. He laughs and throws himself on a couch. "Never smelled weed before?". "I have but not a shit ton of it".

I sit next to him and fan the front of my face with my hand.

"Seriously dude open the windows or something"I moan squinting my eyes to see through this smokey mess. "You're exaggerating". "My lungs are turning black as we speak".

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