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"I like you".

My feet stop swinging,his face was blushing like hell

My eyes didn't remove themselves from him

He avoids eye contact with me and nibbles his bottom lip

""I point at my chest with disbelief. I raised my eyebrow confused and waited for his response. "Y-yes". He seemed to be relieved to let that out but he also was also sad. I understand why,i'm with Sweet Pea. "I have to go or i'll be late"he pulls up his backpack,his head was lowered so he won't be able to look at me. I watched him slowly walk out of the classroom. "Welp...this is nice isn't Jule?"I roll my eyes with a heavy sigh.

"Talking to yourself I see"A male voice says before chuckling. I raise my head and see Jug leaning on the door grinning. "Oh it's mister grumpy"A smirk forms on my lips. He walks towards me with his hands in his pockets. "Shouldn't you be in class by now?"he sits down raising an eyebrow. I jump of the desk sucking in my lips in and nodding. He sighs and points at the door,"Then go". "Pft". I do a slight eye roll of annoyance and run out pushing through the crowd of students.

"Get out the way peasants Jule is coming through!".


"Miss Jones i'm sure you remember our conversation on the first day"he said as he raised a brow folding his arms clearly tired of me. A loud groan leaves my lips,my eyes rolling all the way back irritated. Here I was in the principals office,sitting on an uncomfortable chair,teeth slightly chattering as the cold breeze entered the room from the open window. "Yeah I do but it's his fucking fault,I didn't do shit but defend myself"I angrily fold my arms frowning.

We stayed in silence as he dialed dad's phone number

"Miss Jones this could give you at least 3 days or suspension or more,that isn't the behavior or language you should use on a teacher"he said quietly as he held the phone to his hear. "And I couldn't careless Mister Weatherbee"I gave him an annoyed smile. He glares at me before turning away.

"Hello Mister Jones,this is principal weatherbee I was hoping you could come to the school so we can all have a conversation with your daughter Jule".

He finished speaking with him and ended the call

20 minutes later

"Um good afternoon".

I turn to see dad standing in front of the door glaring at me with disappointment. I sadly grin looking down at the floor. "Please take a seat". He slowly sits with an anxious look on his face. "I called you in today to discuss your daughters unpleasant behavior". He scoffs and smirks,"I figured,it wouldn't be about her being a little sunshine now would it?". He glances my way before turning to the principal.

I throw my head back staring at the ceiling.


"So tell me everything". Here we go then...

"Well you see it's quite interesting,Jule here was called out by the teacher for supposedly sleeping,talking,and using her phone during class. Jule of course defended herself saying that she wasn't doing any of those things and even blamed the talking to one of her classmates,from that it was chaos. The teacher didn't believe her so he sent her to the office and she refused". Dad stakes a deep breath and shakes his head,"I can guess what happened next".

We talked for a few more minutes

"The whole damn week of suspension Jule,are you damn serious? How do you expect to be forgiven by your mother?". I stop walking and stare at him. Without hesitation I say,"I don't need her forgiveness,I don't need HER". He stares me shocked,"Hell you mean?". I lick the inside of my cheek,"Why would she care of what goes on with my life? She hasn't called or texted me at all since I left,she hasn't even spoken with you guys". He bites his bottom lip inhaling through his nose. "Jule i'm sure she care's"He smiles hoping for me to believe him.

I pat his back smiling,"Whatever you believe". We get in the car and ride in silence.

I would glance at dad every chance I got before he looked at me. He had a sad expression maybe taking into consideration of what I said earlier. He knows it's true... She didn't let Jug come back for some stupid reason.

We arrived home after what felt like ages

"Bye dad"I say hopping out not facing him. "Jule please behave from now on if you want to have a better life at least try to hold in those negative feelings"he says with worry. I pretend to ignore him and close the door before walking away. I look over my shoulder and watch him leave.

I let out a huge sigh of relief as I walk inside throwing my backpack on the couch

"If only I could fix my mistakes... I wouldn't be here dad".

My eyes look around the dark room as if I expected something to pop up

Closing my eyes the images of mom and jellybean surround me

"How do you expect to make me proud of you if all you do is disappoint me"

"I love you Jule but you tend to make me rethink sometimes honey"

"It's a wonder why your father didn't take you"

The anger starts building up inside me as mom's words repeat themselves in my head

I open my eyes and swing my fist to the wall

"You love me?! Love my ass!"I yell as I punch the wall multiple times,the blood staining both my hands and wall.

I'm sure i'm being too much right now but just thinking about her disturbs me

When dad left with Jug mom would sometimes look at me with pain in her eyes. I tried to make her happy at some point but failed,again I messed up and she got mad at me. She never hugged me,said I love you when she dropped me off at school. It's like I wasn't even there..

My love for mom disappeared just like her love for me

I want to love mom but she makes it difficult

After punching the wall continuously I drop on the floor and lay down

"I need a doctor".

I laugh and get up heading to the bathroom. "I wonder if we have bandages". I place my hands in the cold water flinching as the water stinged my cuts.

Talk about a mood swing...

My hands were finally red free and I carefully bandaged them

"What am I supposed to do now?".

I could always eat..lunch?

No it's not lunch I think

Whatever I'll just find something to eat

"What is going in Jule's tummy today!"I rub my stomach as I look through the fridge.

"We seriously need to go grocery shopping all we have is fried chicken"I pout. I look in the cabinets and find ramen noodles. "Yas".

I get the water ready and sit on the couch more relaxed than ever

Ring ring

I pick my phone up and answer


"Are you okay?".


Hello my dear lil crabs

I am back with a new chap whoop whoop

Jule's mood swing there is me everyday honestly

Who do you think is the caller???


The names Jule Jones//Sweet pea FanficWhere stories live. Discover now