Mulai dari awal

Annesa sighed, her breath creating a brief puff of smoke in front of her.

"I enjoy our talks, have I ever mentioned that?"

Kai didn't look away from the moon he stared at. He didn't answer Zoe's sister, which made her chuckle.

Three long days. Three continuous nights where Kai met with Annesa in secret. Only the moon and the winking stars were their witnesses.

Kai tried to gather as much information as he could about Annesa, though it was hard. She was skillful with her words, and her rigid posture and empty expressions were a steel shield for his judgment. Impenetrable.

Guilt was like trecheraous waves in an ocean. They clashed down, suffocating him under the weight. His chest hurt and his breathing was heavy around her. He thought about Iris every second he spent time with Annesa. He had lied to him and ignored him. It hurt like a physical blow to the heart. However, the hallow feeling that's been invading his head made the pain hazy. He was slowly losing sight of what was important, and his old thinking was returning.

Rules. Only follow the rules. Live by the rules, break the ones that are bent. Bent. Kai glanced over at Annesa.

They were laying in the grass, dead leaves scatteded across their bodies, ones that fell from the trees that were almost completely bare.

The cold breeze swept her hair out of her face and tore the leag she twirled out of her grasp.

"It's been a while since I've asked you to join me. You have yet to answer me."

Follow the rules. One only survives by following the rules.

"Isn't it about time you answer?"

One: Feeding from a human in the residences of Vridora is strictly forbidden. Punishment is death.

Kai swallowed cold air. His navy colored eyes were black with the moon behind him.

Two: Disobedience will not be tolerated. After one warning, punishment will be given.

Three: Do not object positions. Unfairness is no excuse. Little exceptions. Do the job the way the master's order, do it well, do it right.

Annesa sat up and Kai watched her slowly, as if she moved too fast and he replayed her movements. A leaf stuck her shoulder and her pushed back hair sculpted her face–the shape of a chiseled heart.

Four: Disrespect towards any humans in the mansion or residences of Vridora will not be tolerated. This includes talking back, arguing, forgetting formal greetings, declining orders, and lying.

Five: Relationships are to remain strictly professional.

Six: Follow the schedules. Making a late appearance earns punishments.

Seven: You are not to leave the premises without permission. An unauthorized leave will lead to punishment of death. In relation to this, any owned and recorded vampire without a collar will be questioned and can be sentenced to punishment.


Kai sighed. His breath created a fog that covered Annesa's face for a brief two seconds. Yes. No. He wasn't so sure now.

She played a very good game. Strategic but more thoughtful than carefully did she convey her persuasion. She was positive Kai will say yes, and Kai was positive he was stuck in between. He hated that. He hated that one part of his brain wanted to say yes. To shake her hand, agree to be apart of the madness, be apart of the "winning side". And yet, Kai wasn't sure who was going to win, and if he was one to follow to rules, the many, many rules, he was sure to obey one of the most important one.

Eight: Betrayal is unforgivable, intolerable, and punishment is either death or banishment.

After everything Vridors offered him, everything King Arlo did for him, it was hard to turn away from the loyalty he built. To betray the King's trust. To betray Iris's heart.

Kai sat up, too, and brushed the leaves off him.

"I request another day."

A brief look of disappointment slipped onto Annesa's features before a smile robotically appeared on her lips.

"Of course," she said. She was clearly displeased.

Kai stood up, departed in silence, and found himself standing in front of a plain white door. The hallway was cold, almost more so than the midnight air. Kai raised his hand, ready to knock on the door, but stopped midway.

Follow the rules. Follow the rules. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...he followed the main eight. There were twenty, thirty more, but he rehearsed those eight in his head. Follow the rules. Follow the rules.

He knocked on the door.


The King appeared on the other side. A face of confusion to battle Kai's wide one.


I've started writing the first chapter of my next story (no that's not a reason I've been late to update this story) but I want at least two chapters done by the time this book ends.

Thank you for your patience, my six interactive readers :p :)


Vamp Guards ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang