Wakey Wakey

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LlamaIsComing is responsible for this update and I will update again Thursday.

Tony's Pov...

All the New Avengers were all gathered around the room Peter was in while Maximoff worked on waking Peter up.

Peter stirred and opened his eyes but closed them again.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y dim the lights to 50%." I said.

Wanda had left and Peter opened his eyes and said, "I had this really weird dreams about apples."

We all started laughing. "I'm serious! I'll will never look at apples again!" Peter exclaimed.

"Wanna tell us about it." I asked. Peter nodded and got right into it.

"So I was in my bed right sleeping and I hear May's voice saying 'Wakey Wakey' right? So I open my eyes and Aunt May was an apple. So I freak out and run and everyone I see is an apple and I go to Tony and Happy's and apple, Rhodey's an apple, everyone's an apple and apparently Tony is dead something about Thanos, Infinity gauntlet and stones and snapping and then Happy says that an apple too and I look in the mirror and I'm an apple. The next day everyone at my school is an apple. But everyone eyes were on me and their were whispering stuff about me then they attacked me then Flash said, 'How dare you show your face after what you did?' And I'm like what the heck what did I do! Apparently I'm a intenational criminal for blowing up Europe and drone attacks and killing a guy named Mysterio which btw according to Happy I didnt. And apparently everyone knows I'm Spiderman and Rogers is old, Sam is the new Captain America and hangs out with Barnes, Romanoff is dead. Thor is fat and off with the Guardians of the Galaxy whoever they are. Pepper has a child named Morgan and Pepper is now a hero named Rescue. Scott's daughter is like my age. I was apparently missing 5 years of my life along with half the universe or something involved Thanos or something. Apparently Ned had dated Betty. I got ran over by a train and may I remind you all that we are still apples.  Clint gone and shaved half his hair and like killed people and like retired. Tony apparently created time travel because of me. It was a very hard time." Peter said waving his arms and shaking his head.

"We have less exciting things to tell you." Scott said. The room felt really awkward.

We told what happened during the three days.

"Hey Mom can you like stage a kidnapping for me at school?" Peter asked.

"Why not." Stephen said.

"Do it a little after lunch." Peter said.

Stephen knowing Peter's schedule nodded which reminded me.

"Which reminds me I need to put you guys has Peter's emergency contacts. Just in case Stephen and I are busy." I said.

Everyone nodded. We just talked till Peter was tired and fell asleep. We leave him alone after that.

We stood out of the room after a while I said, "That was a weird dream about apples."

Everyone laughed quietly not to disturbed Peter. We went our separate ways and on the way to the lab I ran into Rogers.

"Tony am I glad to see you." Rogers said smiling.

"I'm not." I said.

"Dont be like that. We need to talk." Rogers said.

"Pretty sure we're talking right now. Words are coming out of your mouth I'm hardly listen. Words coming out of my mouth you dont listen. We're talking." I said.

Rogers sighed and said, "Come one Tony dont be like this."

I sigh and said, "10 minutes and that's all you get."

"I'm sorry about what happened with Spiderman. I hope one day you'll understand why I did this. I'm sorry about Siberia and not telling you about your parents but." Rogers said before I interrupted.

"Stop you made your decision and I'm making mine. My decision is that You or the other Rogues (Heh 666th word there) touch Spiderman or any other person from my family I will not hesitate to kill you."

"I'll disable the suit like last time." Rogers said.

"But here's the thing Rogers it will be very different from Siberia. How? You might ask. Let me tell you. I'll actually be trying to kill you. You have no idea what type of power the Ironman suit has. What power I have." I said before walking away.

"Our ten minutes isnt up!" Rogers yelled.

A timer beeped and I said, "Now it is." I know it's not over it really only been like 2 or 3 minutes but I knew F.R.I.D.A.Y was being petty.

I walk down to the lab with a smile knowing Peter was safe.

Nothing is more important than family....and food....and coffee. I thought.

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