caught | irene

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No one ever expected Bae Joohyun to be the first member of Red Velvet outed for dating. If you asked around the likely guesses would've been Sooyung, or even the free-spirited makanae but Joohyun? Despite being the oldest member and the most motherly, she was also the least guessed. After all, she was a self-proclaimed homebody and from a professional standpoint she was one of SM Entertainments poster girls; even if they never said so publicly surely they didn't want her dating either.

Perhaps there was something to the whole love finds a way saying.

If you were being honest with yourself, you were just as surprised as her members were that this ended up this way. Not to knock yourself but Bae Joohyun had to be among the most beautiful women on the planet – out of your league had to be an understatement. At least that was what you thought back when you first met her.

It was a random occurrence, a sweltering summer day in Seoul. As such the smoothie shop you worked at was relatively busy throughout the day. She had walked up to the counter, a cap and face mask on. You didn't question it, instead you had just politely taking her order. That should've been the end of it – you had her the smoothie and never see her again. Onto the next customer right? Well that would've been the case if fate hadn't intervened.

In the end you spilled the smoothie, on her no less. Dread, horror, thoughts of wanting to crawl into a hole and never leave – you could still recall those emotions every time you thought about that meeting. Quickly you apologized, offering her the employee bathroom to clean up and literally anything else she wanted. To her part she had been nothing but understanding and sweet about the mix up but that was the first impression you made on your now girlfriend.

The rest, as they say, was history.

Joohyun became a regular at your shop, eventually learning her identity you had been a bit shocked at how you missed it the whole time. Polite conversation turned into a friendly rapport until one day you asked if she'd like to get something to eat when you got off of work. You'd never forget the blinking expression as she stared at you in response. The heat that had gone immediately to your face when realizing how crazy your offer must have sounded.

"As friends! Just, a friendly outing" had been your nervous recovery.

Joohyun had merely smiled comfortingly at you, but there was a knowing twinkle in her gaze. You'd soon learn that she was the queen of subtlety when it came to these things.

That was the first of many memories you shared with the star idol. Secrecy went without saying and there were times when you worried about the stress she might be under trying to keep this hidden from even her own members. But even through the hard times there were always more good times between the two of you.

You still remembered the first time you had watched the music video for their track Bad Boy.

The two of you were sitting on her bed, laptop settled between you. "Do we have to watch this?" she groaned, already hiding her face with the pillow she held.

"Yes, we have to."

The fact that you had already watched it as soon as it dropped was irrelevant. As the music video started you could hear Joohyun complaining besides you. "There's no way that's my Bae Joohyun" you commented as she appeared on the screen; sultry, sexy, and with looks that could kill. She responded by hitting you with the pillow she was holding. "This is nothing like the Shy-Irene I know – "

Before you could finish my teasing Joohyun promptly moved the computer from our laps and threw her leg over you, straddling your hips. She put one hand on either side of your head, trapping you beneath her as she stared down at you. It was like a switch had flipped and the fairy-like angel that was Bae Joohyun had turned into a seductress that seemed ready to take your soul. And despite the fact that you felt your heart racing, your breath caught in your throat, you knew you would willingly give it to her.

"Maybe I haven't shown you every side of me then" her words were spoken, her tone of voice alone sending a shiver down your spine.

That night the two of you never did finish watching the music video.

Today had been no different.

You met Joohyun at her dorm, waiting until her other members had stepped out for the day either for various schedules or just for personal time. It wasn't as if you hadn't met them; Joohyun had introduced you as her friend a few months ago ( your cheeks still got red when recalling the memory and how nervous you had been. ) But the truth, outside of any suspicions they might've had, remained secret.

Currently you were waiting for her to finish getting ready before you would head out as well. As she prepared though, you couldn't help but notice something was off. As she stood between the couch and coffee table, organizing her bag you walked over to her. You took her hand in yours giving it a reassuring squeeze. Despite the fact that she could have a stone expression at times or even a smile that could hide any internal conflict; you had learned to decipher when something was wrong.

"Hey, is everything alright?" you inquired, your tone soft.

Joohyun was quiet before giving you a small smile and reassuring smile, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Normally it was her who had the stubbornness of an old-mother but this time you channeled it, refusing to accept her simple answer. You turned her towards you, gaze focused while your tone of voice was soft. "Joohyun, you know you can tell if something is wrong..."

Her gaze, that had been distant, softened and she offered a more sincere look. "I know" she raised your hand to her lips pressing a kiss to your knuckles. When she spoke again her tone was more teasing than before, "Since when did you become so serious one, huh?"

You stepped towards her, "I'll have you know I can be serious when I want to okay."

Yet despite your attempt at appearing serious and seductive, Irene merely burst into a fit of laughter in front of you.

"Yah! What's so funny?" Her laughter tended to be infectious and you tried not to give in yet there was no denying the crack in your voice. Joohyun meanwhile had doubled over and sat on the couch in an effort to control herself. You moved to position yourself in front of her. Leaning down you placed a hand on either side of head as her laughter finally began to subside. "What's so funny, huh?"

Even with her laughter subsiding Joohyun still smiled up at you. Contrary to when she had you in this same position she didn't seem flustered in the least. "You are" she said before reaching up and pulling your face down into an embrace. Maybe it was best to save you from further failed attempts at being serious, after all with the feel of her soft lips against your own you could hardly complain.

Little did you know this 'innocent' distraction would be your downfall – of sorts.

"Oh. my. god."

The familiar sound of Kim Yerim's voice rang in your ears and it was as if everything was played in slow motion. The hand that had been in your half-unbuttoned shirt was quickly pulled out and you who had been straddling Joohyun's lap quickly jumped to your feet. Your eyes soon fell to the youngest member of Red Velvet, confirming what your ears already knew.

"Yeri!" Joohyun spoke, quickly getting up from the couch and you didn't think you had ever seen her so discomposed. "I thought you were out with Saeron."

Yeri meanwhile just continued to stand there with a shocked grin on her face. In contrast dread was shooting through you, your mind racing at a thousand thoughts per second.

"Sooyoung-unnie owes me! I bet her that you two were dating."

"N-no we're not – I mean, dating? No" you tried.

"Right." Yeri's expression told you it was a pointless denial but a mandatory one.

"Okay" Joohyun intervened, "I think it's time we talked." And although she spoke with her 'leader demeanor' you felt her hand slipping into yours. Knowingly you gave it a comforting squeeze. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise, after all you had to tell them eventually and if Yeri's reaction was any indicator it wouldn't be so bad.

Whatever the case you would be there for Joohyun every step of the way.

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