[Aiden Pearce Drabble]

790 20 2

Prompts: Lost + Echo

An info: I've quit taking requests on Wattpad now, since managing the requests on Wattpad and in Tumblr at the same time is way too difficult. If you want to request, go to my Tumblr, you can either google swanimagines or go click the link on my profile.

If you don't have an access to my Tumblr because of your internet restrictions set at your home, you can't request anymore. I'm sorry.


The forest was endless, your feet were hurting and a gunshot wound on your shoulder still dripped new blood on your shirt.

You knew running would be in vain, fixers would find you eventually. Every now and then, you thought you saw a flashlight flicker in the dark and turned. You knew you couldn't help it for long - but your head just kept telling you to run to survive.

And you complied. God, you hated it, but you complied. The survival instinct was useless when it wouldn't help anyway. Soon, you would be dead. If fixers wouldn't kill you, the wound on your shoulder would, in one way or another.

Gunshots, they echoed through the forest and sent a wave of horror over you. Had fixers shot somebody else? Had there been somebody else? And soon after that, you saw a light coming towards you and heard quick footsteps.

Now your head screamed you to run, but you were too tired for that. This is it, you thought and let out a quiet groan, when you collapsed to the ground. They found me.

But instead of an "I found them" beside a gunshot, someone took a hold of your shoulders and crouched beside you.

"Y/N, are you with me?" your partner's voice echoed in your ears, and you lifted your gaze to meet his green eyes staring back at you.


"You're safe now, I'm going to take you home. The fixers have been taken care of."

You took in a deep, shaky breath, before lifting your head up once again and smiled weakly, gripping your still bleeding shoulder.

This was the new chance.

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