Ch.14 Battle Trials

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Allmight and the others who had seen what happened were even more shocked, I-is that even allowed?!?

Five minutes ago...(Play the song in this scene)

"You'll just charge at him directly, right?", IIda started to talk with Bakugou about their plan.

"Of course. He isn't my match after all", Bakugou said smugly.

IIda wasn't convinced, "I don't know Bakugou, your Quirk is incredible and all but Midoriya's Quirk is very mysterious and difficult to predict. You haven't seen his performance on the entrance exams, he-"

Bakugou interrupted him, "Yeah, yeah, stop nagging already. Deku has some spider webs and kitten claws. As if that will stop me!"

Before IIda could correct him, Bakugou had already left the decoy room. "Bakugou! Sigh, what a troublesome teammate," IIda sulked as he guarded the nuclear weapon decoy.

Bakugou was mumbling during his search for the heroes, "Damn it Deku! You are wrong if you are even thinking of getting away in one piece. I'll destroy you and the Round Face, and maybe Glasses because I feel like it!"

He then felt a breeze pass by. Bakugou just rubbed his arms, "Damn it! Why did I choose such a light suit as my requested hero suit?! I should wear something heavier so I can sweat more!" When Bakugou was throwing a tantrum about how his suit was too light, Allmight's voice resonated through the hall he was in, "Young Bakugou! The heroes are confronting your teammate! Go and assist him! Quickly!"

Bakugou's eyes widened in shock, Impossible! I made sure to check all the entrances! They should have climbed from the outside through a window! Yeah, that's it! Bakugou immediately ran back to where he came from.

When he arrived at the decoy room, IIda was leisurely sweeping the floor. He cleaned in case Uraraka came to the decoy room, preventing her to use anything to her advantage.

"Where are they?!", Bakugou yelled.

IIda was confused at his behavior, "Where's who?"

Bakugou was reaching his bottomline, he strode forward and grabbed IIda by his metallic suit collar, "Don't screw with me, Glasses! Deku and the Round Face, who else?!"

IIda was vexed by his actions and attitude, "Who am I supposed to know?! You are supposed to intercept them before they come here!"

Bakugou was now pissed, "Allmight told me that you were being attacked by them! Where are they?! You three are friends, aren't you? You wouldn't be hiding them, would you?! Stop wasting my time and tell me where are they hiding so I can beat them unconscious and then beat you up for treason!"

IIda was speechless, he hadn't been attacked by the hero team, he hadn't even seen them, "Bakugou, listen to me. I haven't even seen the hero team so it's impossible for me to confront them. I can't either betray you because it goes against my morals, and look around! The decoy room has no blind spots to ambush you so it would be ridiculous to do so!"

After hearing IIda's explanation, Bakugou became more reasonable but still pissed, "Then why did Allmight tell me to come here?!?" He reached to Allmight through his earpiece, "Hey Allmight! What's all this about?! Are you trying to sabotage us?! Even if you are a new teacher at UA, this is unacceptable!"

Allmight hurriedly answered his accusation, "Excuse me, young Bakugou, but I haven't said anything at all! All of my students here on my side are my witnesses!"

Bakugou was perplexed at this, "Then who was it?"

A voice came from above them, "That would be me!"

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