Macy lets out a light chuckle. " That's a first. " Oliver shakes his head, ignoring the jab at him from the women. " Macy cut me a break! I mean we haven't slept in the same room consistently for months! This whole pregnancy thing is just another situation and the problem of yours that you refuse to fix! " He points out, his statement-making Macy's eyes open widely.

A part of her didn't even know what to say back to him. How could this have been her fault? " We've seen multiple doctors and we get the same answers! That we're both healthy and there should be no problem getting pregnant! How the fuck is this my fault? " Macy argued, now standing up from her chair.

" Macy, I just need to do something for myself for once. I'm leaving. " Oliver admits, his tone now calmer. Macy feels a pit grow in her stomach as she tries to swallow the lump in her throat. " After all these years, just like that. " She says, snapping her fingers as the last word leaves her mouth. " I'm sorry. " He lies, trying his best to sound sad at the situation he created.

She watches him as the two words leave his mouth. No tears, no eye contact, just two simple words.

" Here. " She adds, taking the engagement ring off her ring finger and placing it on top of the scar on her hand. Her jaw clenches as she extends her hand out. She watches him grab the ring from her palm, his fingertips grazing over the twenty-seven-year-old scar.

Once again Macy felt like she had been through this before. Only she remembers it hurting so much more the first time compared to right now. She swallows the lump in her throat as he turns away from her, walking out the room and grabbing his bag. She stands completely still, only slightly flinching when she hears the front door slam shut.

Macy Ripsom found herself alone again.

Guilt was the only thing she felt, knowing that this was another thing in her life that went wrong because of her. Macy realized quickly that she's not crying anymore. The man she was supposed to love had just left her for good and she felt nothing but guilt. Not sadness, not anger, only guilt.

Yet the sudden sound of her ringtone went off throughout the room, causing her head to shoot up. She grabs her phone from the desk, looking down at the unknown number. Macy contemplates answering it, knowing she would just be more annoyed if it was a spam call.

Yet against her better judgment, Macy realizes she had nothing left to lose and presses the green button, accepting the call.

" Hello? " She answers, clearing her throat after noticing how broken and raspy her voice had sounded. " Macy? Macy Ripsom?" The voice on the other end calls out. The woman grows confused, not knowing how the person would've known her name. She rarely ever got calls after the school year ended. Yet this unsaved number somehow knew her full name.

" Yes, can I ask who's calling? " She questions, beginning to regret answering the call. " Macy, it's Mike. Mike Hanlon from Derry. " Mike reveals, his hands growing clammy as he holds the phone to his ears. Now desperately waiting for a response from the girl he once loved and never forgot.

Macy's face went pale as the phone dropped from her hand and right onto the wood floor. The phone hits the floor, with the screen cracking on impact. Her chest began rising and falling faster than before as Mike called out her name from the phone below her. But her eyes were glued to the wall as memories she had somehow forgotten began running through her head.

" Macy? You there? " Mike calls out again from over the phone, this time she heard. Breaking from her thoughts, she reaches down for the phone and places it against her ear again.

" Jesus fucking christ. Uh Mike, wow it's uh it's been so long. " Macy replies nervously, her hands shaking uncontrollably. " Macy, you need to come back to Derry. ITs come back Mace. " Her eyes closed tightly as the words left his mouth. The blurry memories from the summer of nineteen eighty-nine begin flooding back. Yet the nickname used made her calm down a bit. She began remembering all the moments she and Mike had shared all those years ago, including how it ended.

" When do I need to be there? " She questions her voice sounding audibly scared and timid. " Tomorrow. I'll text you everything you need to know. See you soon Mace. " Mike finishes, hanging up the phone before Macy could give him a reply.

She stood there stunned, finally removing her phone from her face as it vibrated against her cheek. With shaking hands, she looks at the text Mike had sent.

' DERRY INFO ' The text read, linking different plane tickets and the number to call for the Derry In. She sits on the couch, clicking, typing, and calling around for what feels like forever. Once the last call was made, she finally sat back onto the couch, looking at the phone in her hands.

That's when it finally hit her. The flight information stares back at her, and her head begins to shake. " No, no, no, no." She calls out, grabbing a pillow from beside her and letting out the loudest scream she could into the soft grey pillow.

The memories of Betty began flooding back faster than ever. She begins to remember things in flashes, from the last day of school, to finding her shoe in the barrens with boys she can't fully remember.

Macy hadn't thought about Betty in years. Ever since her parents moved out of Derry in the nineties, Betty became a forgotten part of the Ripsoms. Now with only her father alive, the topic of Betty never came up upon their visits.

She stays with the pillow to her face for a few moments, trying her hardest to repress the memories again. Macy is now just hoping that this is all some horrible dream. " Ouch! What the fuck? " She calls out lifting her head from the pillow as a sharp pain runs through her hand. She holds her wrist in her hand, looking down at her palm.

Looking down at the scar.

Macy had noticed the scar more that day alone than she had in years. She noticed how much darker and visible it had gotten, especially after Mike had called her. She had never had any pain because of it, not like this at least. Maybe it hurt when she got it, but she didn't remember how she got it. The pain eases as she began running her fingers through it.

With her hands still shaking Macy gets up from the couch and makes her way to her bedroom. Grabbing all the clothes she needed, before walking out of the front doors of her now-vacant house. As she begins traveling back to a place she forgot existed.

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