chapter 18

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"aap Kaun hain(who are you)"I asked
"Mujhe nahi jaante(you don't know me) , I'm Tia Kapoor"Tia said in a thick accent

"Aap yaha Kyun aaya(why are you here)"I asked
"Looking for Shivaay baby, Shivaay Singh Oberoi"Tia said, why is she looking for him, it's his personal business but I'm his wife.... I'm so bad at decisions

"He isn't here but get in and atleast have something "I said
"Thanks your very nice"Tia said

She sat in the sofa
"What would you like to drink"I asked
"Any juice would be ok"Tia said

"What about Orange"I asked
"More than great"Tia said

I went and fetched an orange juice and gave it to her
"What's your deal with Shivaay"I asked after a lot rethinking and trying to get confidence

"Can you say where is Shivaay"Tia asked dodging my question
"He's at his office"I replied

"I thought he took a leave"Tia said
"Yes he did at first but am emergency came up so he went"I replied

"Ohh"Tia said
"I'll inform your presence"I said

"No need"Tia said
"What's your deal with Shivaay"I asked with collecting my confidence

"He is my boyfriend"Tia said with a bright simple, I felt someone shot me at my heart
"Your...."I said spellbound

"My boyfriend"Tia said with a Blush
"How long have you both been together"I asked, somehow

"It's been some time"Tia replied
"Does he treat you nice"I asked, this question derived from my old experience

"Yes, very nice; he took me on a date last week and gifted me this bracelet"Tia said showing her bracelet.
I can't still process the information given to me

"I'll call Shivaay"I said

I moved to my room and get the Phone. I get his contact and call him

"Hello Annika"Shivaay asked
"Shivaay a person is here waiting to meet your"I replied

"You invited a stranger"Shivaay asked
"You know the person nicely, just come"I replied
"I'll be in some time"Shivaay says
"Ok bye"I replied
"Bye"Shivaay said

I move into the living room where Tia was sitting

"I have called Shivaay he will be arriving in some time"I said to her
"Thanks, I didn't get your name"Tia said

"It's Annika " I replied
"Your last name??"Tia asked

"It's not important"I said
"Ok"Tia said

We had an awkward silence between us

"Who hanged up the frame"Tia asked
"I did"I replied
"Shivaay allowed"Tia said in surprise
"Yes"I replied
"Any way it's beautiful"Tia said

"My sister made it"I replied
"It's really beautiful, she is very talented"Tia said

"Thanks a lot Tia"I replied
"When will Shivaay come"Tia asked
"He might be just arriving"I replied, I'm also waiting for him

I heard a car being kept on the car lot in the house and I could easily guess it's Shivaay's car.

I approached the door and that's when the calling Bell rang.
I moved so he could enter inside and the he moved near the living room and by his face expression I could assume that he is quite surprised by the guest

"Meet the guest"I said
"T-T-Tia ........An-Anni-Annika"Shivaay said stutteringly

Sorry it's just 500 words, I have exams and I'm sneak updating because I'm behind schedule in updating, next update will be next month ,I might update parallel books but not this ......

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