No More Offline Reading??? Is This True?

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Hello my fellow wattpaddians!

Just recently wattpad had an update. An update that just popped out of nowhere. By nowhere I mean I got off the app for 2 seconds then when I got back in, I find out I'm only allowed 1 offline book. Seriously wattpad???!!

I thought it was a bug or something but when I went online to wattpad community I found others who were in the same situation. All non-premium users will range from 1-3 offline books in their account. Wattpad announced that this is to "save" storage on our device. So if we want unlimited offline books the we got to buy the "premium".

Do you smell something fishy here? I sure do. If they limited the offline books to "save" our storage space because in order to read offline, books must be downloaded into the device; wouldn't storage space also affect premium as well? Hmmmm.... Someone's thinking about their pay checks. I mean at the end of the day the makers of wattpad do make money but they're not going to make a lot of it after they've taken away unlimited offline reading from everyone.

What's so special about premium anyways? Why would I pay $6.99 a month just so I can change the background colour of my app? That's stupid. And the fact that they're trying to sell what's already existed is even stupider. Who are you trying to fool here? If wattpad wants to make money then they should try a tactic where it attracts more people not push the ones it already has away. Because when you push the ones that you have away, they spread the word out to others which equals to no money! 😭

Besides what's so special about offline reading is the fact that people who are unable to always connect to wifi are still able to be a part of the reading community. They're not being pushed away as outcasts. Also people who are unable to pay $6.99 a month just for freaking premium can still be a part of this community. I'm telling you guys, majority of us came to wattpad for the offline reading. Am I right or am I right?

Offline Reading No More???Where stories live. Discover now