"OK. Ela, Ash, Amaru, Dokkaebi and you IQ will be the leader." Six said and everyone nodded

Time Skip
Los Angeles, California

When we arrived to the bank, the place was filled with police officers and news reporters everywhere. I knew that because they were the first one to come and ask questions, I pushed away the one that was closer to me. IQ began to check for electronics and she found just cameras. Dokkaebi hacked those cameras. I looked around and they didn't force they way in from the front gate. The entire place was unharmed, I looked to the ground and saw a sewer entrance.

I looked at my team and they were droning the area, I looked at Ela and asked her to come with me but I didn't tell her to where. But she followed me anyway. I opened the sewer entrance and looked at Ela.

"You are kidding me right?" She said and I shook my head

"Wait are you scared of the sewers?" I asked her

"No, I hate the smell" she said and I sighed

"You don't like closed spaces" I said and her her widened in surprise

"I need you Ela, I won't leave you alone down there" I said as I was getting down the ladder, she took a deep breath a she followed me.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her all the way to a hole in the wall that lead to the basement, I took cover in one side and Ela was behind me. I took my rifle and put a silencer on it. I saw a drone coming to where we were.

"I've got you Oppa" Dokkaebi said

Her drone went inside again and Ela took her phone so we can watch dokkaebi drone. I saw how they were loading the money and gold on a truck that was already on the underground parking lot.

"Those bastards are smarter than they look" Ela said holding my hand tightly when I looked at what she was doing she quickly let go

"The hostage was in the CEO office along with five terrorists" IQ said

"We can take care of them" Amaru said

"I'm sending Ash" IQ said

"Any idea what weapon they are using?" Ash said as soon as She caught up with us

"They are using automatic rifles with extended mags" Ela said

"Nice observation Ela, those kind of rifle can only be extended from twenty bullets to thirty" I said

"I'm calling them up" I heard Dokkaebi said

3rd Person PoV

The team were ready to breach and just waiting for the call of the Korean operator, (y,n) heard their phone buzzing and threw a flash bang inside and entered at once with his eyes closed. He knew where his enemies were so he just needed to pull the trigger. Ash rushed inside with Ela.

The other team went directly to the hostage thanks to Amaru grappling hook, Dokkaebi threw a smoke grenade inside to blind the enemies. The fire fight echoed through the building as both team were taking care of the terrorist, the police outside was making sure they don't have a route of escape. (y,n) team reached the money and the gold. Ela took cover and threw one of her mines.

(Y,N) PoV

I saw three guys and they began shooting while being under the effect of Ela's mines. I closed my eyes to focus. an automatic rifle with medium fire rate. They already wasted fifteen bullets out of thirty. I took my pistol and shot a terrorist who was trying to flank us.

People think I'm the perfect soldier but I don't see it that way. I'm just a man who pays attention to every tiny details of every place I visit. I just watch that room for 2 seconds before they began to shoot. By the way they ran out of bullets now they need to load a new mag. Those two seconds allowed me to get up and point my rifle.

Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak X Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora