1/2 Chapter One (draft)

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 This chapter is a testing chapter to see if there is any interest in continuing the story, It was written for my own amusement on my free time. There are notebooks full of pages of this story left, but for now enjoy half of the first chapter, please give input on the continuance.

      The once leathery tough pads heavily guarding tender flesh flake away exposing pink hues soon to be dominated by scarlet reds. My paws hum at the new pound sensation of the soil pressing into the malleable skin leaving beads of minerals stuck within. Each entering further in a pretentious manner competing which can dig the furthest into the beaten sensitive pads. The dampened dirt is partially wrapped in the warmth of my raw paws waiting for a meritorious response for providing relief to their heated ache. But, all is humming by my mind which guards me from the dull ache making the soil seem as if its a mere tingling pressure. Thought to be the sweet air of the forest filled with yellow jasmine and red rub trees has been pressed away with new arising scents. In vain my snout tries to be dilatory to its only job by blocking anything out, but the scents clouded densely around it. The previously fondness of the soils earthiness and the honeysuckles sweetness was now tainted in mixtures of foul odors traveling behind me. I cannot become irresolute on what to focus on, instead blocking everything but the instinct to evade these beast. No need for hesitation for there was only one blatant choice which was to move far and away ahead. Away from the hellhounds acting as demons filling me with fear. There is a tenuous link between reality and what my mind perceives as a blank space in front of me filled with anxiety every step. 

     The whimsical trees in this imaginary world of fear contorts into pillars of hot coals of which to avoid. The soft ground being the only constant between the two realities while the hounds of hell hounds chase me. Their appearance in reality seeming as if they were normal wolves with no differences between good and evil. But my minds vision displays them in their true colors telling the difference clearly. Their fur was hardened in clumps to their backs in disarray. Patches baring their skin below the black cover once known as fur soft fur was visible. Pale tender flesh turned to heated flames dancing wildly. Teeth shined against the blank sky dripping with venom leaving anything it touched shriveled. Their snarls shook the ground and their tails lit the earth aflame. Eyes human but holding malicious trapped within waiting to be released. The claws of a lion helping them run with ease and tongue of a dog panting against cool air. My wolf was running a circuitous path from her palace in my mind cursing at me. I turned around to see that they were gaining ground easily with the largest brown wolf leading. When i went to focus once more on running i was confronted with a fallen tree in my path. Turning abruptly to the right bashing my side into a pine tree on the way. A involuntary yelp escaped as the broken branches tears into my ribs separating hide from muscle. But kept running full speed as the hounds remind me of their presence Constantly with snapping jaw. Helen snarls at the weakness we've shown daring the pain that sears through our side. Beads of blood form standing unbroken on the fur collecting. Streams forming fall down to the grass that gather pooling on the soil as i pass by.

      The scent of iron in the crimson liquid tickling the minds of the wolves filled with bloodlust. Driving them into a frenzy to catch their prey mere feet from them. They snap their jaws with more force words my heels which have been torn into. The hole in my side loosens with each step forward opening it wider allowing more fluid to escape. With each step the torn heels tear further exposing muscles with flesh hanging free in chunks. Thickening bushes carrying luscious vines drinking in golden drops of sun disrupted. The pain we vainly try to ignore dully aches as adrenaline floods. As the hide rips with each frantic step muscle fibers break free of their bundles fraying like cheap fabric. Each step straining for more energy to clot and supply blood to ever growing destroyed muscles. As the glowing hounds of the near tear more chunks from my ankle successfully in close proximity. The ring leader clasping fully upon my hind leg sinking his venomous teeth crunching the bones. Helen in last effort twist around quickly clamping down on his snout to force him to release. Gapping punctures going into the nasal cavity pooling with blood filling his mouth. The nerve of a tooth tauntingly hanging free in his jaw being displayed in his barred teeth as i continue the chase. Only to last a few feet before collapsing under the weight i can no longer carry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2019 ⏰

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