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👤 BY : Hamid Ahmed At Tahir

🗣️ TRANSLATED BY : Mufti Afzal Hoosein Elias R.A

🔢 POST : ❤️ 1❤️

In ancient Iraq, the city of Musil covered many towns. The largest of these towns was Nineveh.

It was a town which had many of Allaah's favours. The gardens were green and fruitful. The rivers flowed around it. The people drank from the rivers and watered their lands. The cattle and goats also drank from them. The animals filled their stomachs with food. The people got meat and milk from them. There was so much goodness in Nineveh.

The people of Nineveh did not think that they should thank Allah Ta'aala for these bounties. They denied Allah Ta'aala and worshipped idols and stars. They were fixed on their disbelief.

Allah Ta'aala chose a pious man from amongst them. He used to worship Allah Ta'aala and did not deny him. This man was Yunus Bin Matta.


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