thirty five

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A month and a half later.

I'd completed my final exam last week which meant I no longer had to attend school until my graduation.

I was walking along the park, under the nice June weather. My earphones plugged in as I took in my surroundings. I sat on a familiar swing, it was still early and children were at school so it was empty. I'd spent most of the week looking for a graduation dress, leaving it until a week before wasn't the wisest choice.

I slowly swung my legs, causing the swing to rock back and forth.

"Need help, little legs?"

"I'm not little, Shawn,. You're just a giant." I laughed as I recognised him.

"What are you doing here so early?" I shrugged in response.

"Why are up so early, you're normally snoozing from going to the gym," I squeezed his arm, "it seems to be paying off though."

He smiled, "thanks."

"Also, since you haven't stopped talking about not being able to find a dress... I've been doing some research myself," he took his phone out from his pocket.

I gasped, "You really did that for me?!"

"Well, my main motive is to get you to stop complaining but yes, I did that for you."

I rolled my eyes at him jokingly, "What've you got?"

He opens one of the links revealing a green high-neck dress with sequins, it's a long dress.
The next link he opens is a red off the shoulder dress. The last dress is a short light blue dress with lace details.

"I feel like I've worn green too much, I really love the blue one," I announced, smiling up at him.

"I bet you'll look great," he smiled back, sitting on the swing next to mine.

And yes, you're probably wondering why me and Shawn were speaking again. Well, we'd obviously taken some time apart from each other as individuals but for for some reason we'd both felt like there was a strong connection between us that we couldn't break, platonically.

It started as a small greeting and smile when we saw each other after my birthday. After a couple weeks we started to have small conversations and it built up from there. We were still working on building trust but I noticed a little change in him.

Like the way he'd just listen to me and not utter a word or regularly check on me. It was progress. And I realised that those texts weren't intended to hurt me at all. It wasn't entirely his fault.

"I found this new café, it's tiny but I think it's my new favourite place. Want to come with me?" I asked, still clutching to the chains at either side of me.

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