"It looks like Jack gave up on us and he's looking for Lucifer." Dakota spits out, crossing her arms. 

Her sadness being replaced with anger. It was like her talk with Dean did nothing, maybe it was the fact that Dean detested Jack. So she didn't believe anything nice Dean had to say about a kid he absolutely hated. 

"Kota, we don't know that." Sam corrects.

"Don't we? A guy is dead. W-we...J-Jack killed someone, Sammy. He gave up on us. W-we...we can't let him hurt people. We gotta...gotta be prepared." Dakota whimpers, her figure getting smaller as she shrinks in on herself. 

"To kill him." Sam scoffs. 

"You think I like this?" She snaps, glaring at her uncle harshly. "He's my...my soulmate, Sam. I don't want to kill him, of course I don't. But it's our job to stop things that are killing people." 

Sam flinches at the use of 'Sam'. Dakota never calls him that, it's always been Sammy. 

"She's right." Dean admits hesitantly. "This isn't an 'I told you so'. I actually like the kid, I do. But, I mean, we're in the worst-case scenario land here."

"Yeah, but, guys, we need more information." Sam stresses, Dakota slams her forehead against her knee, not even feeling the pain. "I mean...we gotta figure out what Jack wanted, how--how dreamwalking even works." 

Dakota cries into her knees, her whimpers being heard by the men in front. Dean's heart shatters at the sound, Sam chest tightens sadly. 

"I miss him. I don't...I can't..." She trials off, taking a shuddering breath before pulling her head up. Her face bright red and shining with tears. Her eyes looking even more brilliant than normal. "I don't even care that he killed someone...how messed up is that? I'm a hunter, but I don't care that an innocent guy is dead. I just want Jack." 

"I just want him back, dad." She sobs. 


It took awhile for the two Winchesters to calm Dakota down, promising her that they were going to figure this out. Sam suggests they talk to a dreamwalker that Derek was talking to. He figures it was the next place Jack would go. 

They track Kaia down to a support group meeting. It was for drug addicts, which made Dakota slightly weary of the girl, but she understood that she did it just to sleep peacefully. 

Dakota's chest starts to tighten as happiness floods her. Her muscles visibly relaxes. 

"He's here." She smiles before running through the halls, letting her heart guide her.

She spots Jack gripping Kaia by her wrists, Dakota bursts through the back door. The other WInchesters right on her heels. 

"Jack!" She exclaims, Jack immediately turns upon hearing her voice. 


Kaia takes Jack's distraction as the perfect time to escape. She kicks the back of his leg, sending him crumpling to the ground. She punches him when he turns to look at her in confusion. Kaia takes off running the opposite direction. 

Dakota rushes toward Jack, helping him stand.

"She hit me." He says. Dean pushes Dakota's hands away and roughly grabs the boy.

"Yeah, good." Dean states.

"No, she's getting away. I--" He tries to get out of Dean's hold, but Dakota steps in front of him with her hands on his chest. 

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