The Lyrics Write Me

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Hello there c: This is an Icon For Hire fanfic. I recently became a fan of theirs and the song Rock and Roll Thugs inspired me to write this story. I don't know if the facts are accurate, it's more of imagination. Please vote and comment and on the side is the picture of Ariel :) Enjoy! 


Ariel was stuck in a well full of water and the water was rising up fast, she couldn't breathe and the cold liquid had numbed her feet and legs. She struggled till the cold life giving necessity drowned her mortal body and she couldn't hear, speak or breathe. Her ebbing away thoughts were losing focus until suddenly her body started burning from the lack of oxygen and as if by reflex actions she struggled to reach the surface to push some air down her lungs. But she was drowning, fast and she could do nothing about it. 

Ariel woke up with a start. She was always afraid to got to sleep, everyday she died in her dreams in different ways, every night she wish she didn't have to lay her head down and drift off to a land of nightmares and terrors. 

She checked the time. 2:40 AM said her pink and black clock. She got up from her bed, out of her room and downstairs to the room where the piano was. She sat down on the seat and tucked her pink-dyed hair behind her ear. Like her music, her parents disapproved of her dying her hair too but she defied them and colored them anyways and nothing could be done about it now, she didn't want to remember the memories associated with it. She played a tune on the piano not really thinking and eventually as time passed, she lost herself at the sound of the black and white keys. The melody was forming is her mind and a few words were arranging themselves to sound like just right. She rushed to the other room and grabbed a paper and a pen and started writing the words down while slowly humming in a low voice. 

'The music is in my blood, you don't understand

The music is in my blood, you don't understand

Sleepless nights at the black and white keys I'll let my fingers say it for me

Sometimes my spirit's still so scared.'

She paused. A chill went down her spine as if someone was watching her. She shook the feeling off ,she felt she was in a trance and went back to thinking. 

She looked at the window, outside the sky was full of stars and she went on gazing at them, completely unaware of her surroundings now. 

'Once I put it in a melody it means so much more to me

Fate sealed, I guess this is how I feel

Sometimes I swear the lyrics write me

The lyrics write me. ' 

Ariel thought of writing more but she was finally exhausted. She strained her eyes to see that is was 4:15 now. Wow, she had not realized time had passed so quickly, luckily it was not a school night, other 16-year-olds didn't exactly approve of dark circles under your eyes or expression of exhaustion on your face and neither did teachers like their students sleeping during the classes. 

Ariel traced her steps back to her bedroom. Her parents were asleep soundly. She entered her room and lay her head on the pillow hoping another nightmare wouldn't plague her. After staring at the celing for a while she drifted off into a dreamless night. 

Rock & Roll Thugs(Icon For Hire) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now